Personal Tutors
A Personal Tutor is a member of academic staff who will help and guide undergraduate students throughout your studies.
The health, safety and wellbeing of our community is at the heart of the University's Aberdeen 2040 commitments, supporting and developing our students to achieve your full potential.
As you begin your UoA journey, you will be matched with a member of academic staff who will help you settle into life at university. They will work with you to reflect on your progress and encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities available to you during your studies. You may hear this person referred to as your:
This academic will also direct you to more specialist services if you need them. You can find out more about the wide-range of specialist support that's available on our website , by visiting the Support Enquiry System or by emailing infohub@abdn.ac.uk .
In some cases students may choose to share confidential information about yourself with your personal tutor or other member of staff. You may also be happy for information to be shared with family members and give authorisation for this to occur. However, for those who have not taken this step no personal data will be shared about you unless it it to protect your vital interests. Find out more about confidentiality and how the University manages your personal data at our Current Students privacy notice .