Hello everyone,
My first week as Language Centre Student Experience Intern has come to an end and it’s time to write my first ever blog! My name is Tiffany and I am a third year Politics and Sociology student.
So how did I get here…?
Well, it began with me looking for valuable work experience while in Aberdeen for the summer. I found the Aberdeen Internship through the Careers Service website. After sending in countless applications to them for proof reading and advice, I was pleasantly surprised to find I had been invited to interview. I was even more surprised when I received the offer for this position.
What will I be doing?
This summer, I will be working within the Language Centre and Student Experience teams. I am here to encourage and support the Language Centre students’ integration into the wider student body and facilitate their immersion into a different culture. Another great part of my role is that I will be interacting with different departments during my time here. These include the International Centre, Marketing, Alumni, Chinese Society, Confucius Institute and even catering (we will be having a BBQ, yes!). I want the students to get the most out of their experience while in Aberdeen. Not only passing their assessments but also interacting with native English speakers and getting to experience British and especially Scottish culture.
Mixed Emotions
I am fortunate enough to start my internship during delightfully sunny weather. It also happens to be graduation week so campus is very busy and filled with excited students and their families. Before starting my internship I experienced a mix of emotions that come with embarking on an adventure like this; will I fit into my respective teams? What will I be doing? Will I be able to handle the workload? However, after the initial first few days my worries lessened as my colleagues and I decided on a steady plan of action. This includes lots of exciting ideas and events to look forward to.
My Favourite Memory So Far
My favourite memory from this week was during the students’ orientation when I successfully led my first ever campus tour. I was pleased to find the Secret Botanical Gardens. During this internship I hope to strengthen my organisation, event planning skills and I look forward to strengthening my intercultural communication through my interaction with the Language Centre students.
The secret botanical garden
That’s it for now and I will finish this blog with a thank you to my departments for such a warm welcome, thank you to Max and Alisdair for the induction and good luck to my fellow interns – I look forward to reading your blogs!
My work station, not yet personalised