Page 1 of 3Results 1 to 10 of 21, 13 - 30 March 2023
Book your place for Run Balmoral now!
With only 3 weeks to go till Run Balmoral we are now down to our final spaces to take part in either the 5k or 10k to support maternal health research at the Aberdeen Centre for Women's Health Research. Registration closes on 4th April so grab your place now by...
ABDNGrad Challenge is back
How would you create a hate crime strategy for Aberdeen, devise the international brand of a local football team or enhance sustainable travel across the UK?
Evening Language Courses
From May, The Language Centre is offering evening courses in German and Japanese. We are also offering evening IELTS preparation and advanced English language courses for students whose first language is not English. The courses are open to everyone and commence in May. Sign up today. More on language courses:
Rogers takes gold on final night of world series
"Faye Rogers was the sole British winner of a World Series title on day four as the Citi Para Swimming World Series Inc. British Para-Swimming Meet drew to a close. The S10 athlete qualified fastest by a 100-point margin, and she followed suit in similar fashion – keeping with the field...
University Library takes delivery of an electric van
The University now has its very first electric van, which will be used by our Library to fetch books from our Institutional Storage Facility in Inverurie. It replaces the Library’s previous diesel powered vehicle and will contribute to the net zero commitment in Aberdeen 2040. This is part of a...
March Court Digest
The Court held its most recent formal business meeting on 1 March in the Sir Duncan Rice Library, preceded the evening before by a presentation from the AUSA Sabbatical Officer team on the work of the Student’s Association and a tour of the Student Union Building. You can read a...
Kings Quarter enabling works - Regent Walk to close
Areas of King's College campus are due to close in April as work begins to transform the historic centre of campus.
Changes to Degree Regulations and New Honorary Degree Awards
Following agreement by the Senate and University Court, under the statutory process for approval of a resolution, comments are being invited on proposals to update the University's General Regulations for the Award of Degrees and on proposals to introduce new categories of honorary degree awards. Further information on the changes...
NEWS for Spring 2023: Advanced Entry Toolkit
As part of a research project into advanced entry student transitions, and in response to student feedback, a new toolkit has been developed which has been designed to help students with the transition into and through university. The toolkit is an ongoing project that we will add to over time so...
New Topical Podcast Series 'Into the Headlines' Launches
Usually topical, frequently fun and almost always thought-provoking.