Your first class will be your School induction. This will help you prepare for the year ahead and provide you with useful advice on your course, as well as School contacts and information on getting the most out of your academic experience.
Induction will take place on:
Friday 24 January, 10.00am - 12.00pm, MR051, MacRobert Building
Your School Induction will not be on your timetable, so please make sure to check the date, time and location on MyAberdeen or on the New Students website, and add this to your calendar.
Reading lists for individual courses will normally be available through MyAberdeen.
The Reading Lists project led by the Library team will make essential course reading available to returning students later in the summer, but new students will not have access to this until they complete Online Registration.
You can find example reading for our Postgraduate Taught programmes for the Business School here.
In the meantime, you can brush up your study skills and learn more about the University at our award-winning Toolkit website.
Most courses will not be assessed by formal exams on campus, unless you are taking a course for which a formal exam in required by a professional body.
We will use alternative ways to assess your learning throughout the term. These may include essays, online exercises, and timed assessments online.
This will vary from course to course, and there will be specific details in every Course Guide at the start of term.
Your first class will be your School induction. This will help you prepare for the year ahead and provide you with useful advice on your course, as well as School contacts and information on getting the most out of your academic experience.
Your School Induction will not be on your timetable, so please make sure to check the date, time and location on MyAberdeen or on the New Students website, and add this to your calendar.
The first induction activity will be held on Tuesday 17 September at 1-3pm in William Guild Building, Arts Lecture Theatre
Reading Lists for individual courses will normally be available through MyAberdeen. The Reading Lists project led by the Library team will make essential course reading available to returning students later in summer, but new students will not have access to this until they complete Online Registration.
Students in our Qatar campus can find new student information on the
Qatar website .
Postgraduate Research
As well as being a Postgraduate Research Student in the School of Business you are also part of a wider PGR community through the Postgraduate Research School
We are looking forward to welcoming you to campus to start your research journey with us. As a Postgraduate Research student you will have the opportunity to attend a University wide induction in addition to your school induction.
The University of Aberdeen Orientation programme has been designed to take you through all of the essential information you will need for your student life. You can get started now by working through the
interactive modules .
There are a series of modules that you can work through before you arrive. Once you have registered you can access the remaining modules and complete your mandatory training programme through your bespoke PGR training platform on our virtual learning environment.
There will be a school welcome event for Postgraduate Research students. This will provide an opportunity to meet Postgraduate coordinators and PhD supervisors. There will also be time to answer any questions you may have. Further details regarding the welcome event will follow in due course.
The PGR School training and development programme offers academic, professional, and personal development through a number of training workshops, resources and opportunities, all intended to support the PGR community at the University of Aberdeen.