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Claim a free sustainable water bottle for completing the NSS

The NSS is your chance to shape positive change at the UoA by sharing your experience at university. It also helps prospective students make an informed decision about where they want to study.

As a thank you for completing the survey, you can pick-up a free sustainable water bottle. Just take your completion email along with your Student ID to Infohub to collect your new water bottle*.

If you're based in Foresterhill, you can also collect your water bottle from Room 0:047 in Polwarth or Room 102 in Suttie.

Things to know about the NSS

What is the NSS?

The NSS is an annual survey of final year undergraduates in the UK. It is a nationally recognised independent survey, giving students the opportunity to share their views on their university experience.

The survey covers key areas including:

  • Teaching quality
  • Assessment and feedback
  • Organisation and management
  • Learning resources
  • Academic support
  • Learning opportunities
  • Learning community
  • Student voice
  • Overall satisfaction

The survey covers takes 5-10 minutes to complete.

Why should I complete the NSS?

Your views help shape our future. The NSS tells us what we're doing well and where we can improve. It's completely anonymous and provides us with valuable information the student experience, implement improvements to courses, facilities and the student learning experience.

It also helps prospective students make an informed decision when choosing their university.

This is your opportunity to give you're your honest feedback about your time in Aberdeen anonymously.

In addition, the University of Aberdeen is giving every student who completes the NSS a free sustainable water bottle. Just take your confirmation of completion email to the Infohub, Polwarth or Suttie to pick-up yours. T&Cs apply.

Who can complete the survey?

Students expected to be in their final year or expected to complete their course.

To check whether you are eligible, try to complete the survey or read more detailed eligibility criteria.

How do I complete the survey?

You'll receive an email from Ipsos MORI inviting you to complete the survey. This email contains a survey link unique to you. You can also access the survey at: thestudentsurvey.com

You'll be asked for some information to verify you're eligible to take part.

How do I collect my free water bottle?

As a thank you for giving us your valuable feedback, students who completes the survey, can claim a free sustainable water bottle.

Just take your completion email or a screengrab along with your Student ID to Infohub to collect your new water bottle.*

If you're based in Foresterhill, you can also collect your water bottle from Room 0:047 in Polwarth or Room 102 in Suttie Centre.

*Terms & conditions apply.

Free water bottle terms & conditions

Free water bottle: Terms & Conditions

1. Open to eligible students of the University of Aberdeen between 27 January and 13 June 2025. This incentive is valid for students completing the National Student Survey (NSS), the Undergraduate Experience Survey, the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey and the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey.

2. All eligible respondents can claim one free water bottle on completion of the survey relevant to their student groups.

3. Students should take their completion confirmation email or a screengrab to the Infohub, 91 High Street, Aberdeen, AB243HE, to collect one water bottle. Students based in Foresterhill, can also collect one water bottle from Room 0:047 in Polwarth or Room 102 in Suttie Centre.

4. Water bottles must be collected by students and can not be posted to students outwith Aberdeen.

5. Only one water bottle will be issued per student while stocks last. Colours and styles of water bottles may vary.

6. The University reserves the right to withdraw this incentive at any time and without notice.

7. Water bottles must be collected by 4pm on Thursday 10 July 2025.

You said, We Did

We are continually implementing positive change as a result of student feedback. Based on the 2021 NSS feedback we are:

Assessment and Feedback

Improving the timeliness and quality and consistency of our feedback.

  • Measures in place to monitor timeliness of feedback
  • Development of webbased resources to support staff to enhance assessment practices
  • Develop further training to support enhanced feedback
  • Improved communication and resources to support students
Student Voice

Enhancing the opportunities that students have to feedback on all aspects of their student life.

  • Redeveloping the class rep system
  • Implementing a Feedback Working Group
  • Improve communication on any actions resulting from student feedback
Digital Experience

We have:

  • Continued to improve our guidance on using University systems, and to simplify processes where possible.
  • Increased our IT helpdesk staffing during peak times and introduced online chat to support improved response times.
Health and Wellbeing

In 2021, we launched our 4-year Wellbeing Strategy, setting out how we'll support the wellbeing of our community now and in the future. This includes a detailed action plan of how we'll achieve our ambitions.

In addition, we've:

  • Refreshed our Wellbeing Toolkit which is designed to help you look after yourself, and find the support you need when you need it. It's a comprehensive overview of resources, activities and advice to help you maintain positive mental wellbeing which you can tailor to your own needs and circumstances.
  • Created a calendar of monthly activities to support students to maintain positive health and wellbeing
  • Worked with Aberdeen Sports Village on physical challenges for our students, and agreed new and improved student membership rates at their facilities.
Student Support

Student Support

We've continually enhanced our student support offering, with:

  • Additional staffing and hours provided to our Mental Health Mentoring team
  • Expansion of the hours and numbers of staff in our Counselling Service
  • Introduced a dedicated out-of- hours helpline for students to access counselling when University support services are closed