The Student Learning Service can help with developing your academic skills. SLS offers workshops during term-time on a range of topics, including academic writing, note-taking, critical reading and writing, time management, presentation skills and mind-maps. Also available are one-to-one study advice sessions, which can be requested through the website.
Please note that the Student Learning Service only discusses written work that has already been marked. In a study advice session we look at the assignment, along with the marker's feedback, to devise future writing strategies.
The Infohub
The Infohub is located on the Aberdeen King's campus, at 92 High Street, Aberdeen.
If you have any questions or are looking for more information on any aspect of university life in Aberdeen, this is the place to come to find your answer! The Infohub is open during working hours with a dedicated and knowledgeable team to advise on all aspects of student life and finding your feet. For more information visit.
Students' Association
The Students' Association is here to represent you and make sure that you get the most you can out of your degree. If you have any questions about feedback, examples of good feedback you have received on your assessments or exams or if you think that you are not getting the feedback you have asked for please contact the President for Education & Employability at
Class Representatives
The Students' Association coordinates Class Representatives and they provide you with a link between the University and your fellow classmates.
Class Representatives are nominated and elected by students. They are responsible for communication, listening and talking to the students in your class and representing your opinions and views to the University staff. They provide valuable feedback on learning and teaching to individual discipline areas and Schools through Staff Student Liaison Committee meetings.
For further information about Class Representatives, please visit the Student Association's website or email