Page 5 of 28741 to 50 of 2866 Past Events
Talk and reading by Gaelic author Graham Cooper
-As part of World Gaelic Week / Seachdain na Gàidhlig join us for a reading from author Graham Cooper.
Talk and reading by Gaelic author Graham Cooper
-As part of World Gaelic Week / Seachdain na Gàidhlig join us for a reading from author Graham Cooper.
Talk and poetry reading 'A' Ruith Eadar Dà Dhràgon' / Running between two Dragons with Martin MacIntrye
-As part of World Gaelic Week / Seachdain na Gàidhlig Poet and University of Aberdeen alumnus Martin MacIntyre will read from his new collection of poetry 'A' Ruith Eadar Dà Dhràgon / Running Between Two Dragons / Corrent Entre Dos Dracs / Rhedeg Rhwng Dwy Ddraig'.
Talk and poetry reading 'A' Ruith Eadar Dà Dhràgon' / Running between two Dragons with Martin MacIntrye
-As part of World Gaelic Week / Seachdain na Gàidhlig Poet and University of Aberdeen alumnus Martin MacIntyre will read from his new collection of poetry 'A' Ruith Eadar Dà Dhràgon / Running Between Two Dragons / Corrent Entre Dos Dracs / Rhedeg Rhwng Dwy Ddraig'.
PGR Communitea Series: The (Not So Secret) Double Life of a Researcher
-The PGR CommuniTea series provides a platform for PGRs and their supervisors to engage in discussions dedicated to exploring key themes shaping the PGR experience whilst connecting and building the PGR community (2.00pm - 3.30pm)
Digital and Information Services Pop-up
-Come along to this pop-up in Foresterhill campus to find out how Digital and Information Services can support you.
Meet Deloitte
-Meet Deloitte colleagues on Thursday 27th February at the main library foyer to learn more about their career journeys, get application hints & tips and ask your questions.
SLS Workshop - Strategies for Reading Effectively
-Join this workshop for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught students.
Fast Track Interviews with Enterprise Mobility
-This event was cancelled
Enterprise Mobility are delighted to be returning to the University of Aberdeen and offer Fast Track Interviews.
Weaving South and North: Tales and Songs of Syria
-Part of the Aberdeen and Beyond Storytelling Festival, join poet and storyteller Sahar Abdulla, who will tell tales about living between two worlds - South and North.