Part-time jobs Fair 2024

Part-time jobs Fair 2024

Find out about local part-time work experience opportunities!

Secure valuable work experience at the University of Aberdeen Part-time Jobs Fair 2024!

Are you looking for flexible work opportunities while you study? Join the Careers and Employability Service at this year's Part-time Jobs Fair. 

Key details:

Date: Wednesday 9th October 2024

Time: 11.00 am - 3.00 pm

Location: Elphinstone Hall.

The Part-time Jobs Fair is an exciting opportunity for students to network with local business and explore a range of part-time jobs. These jobs are typically in the retail, hospitality and care sectors. Ask questions and find out about part-time and flexible job opportunities. This fair will be open to all students.

Book your place now or come along on the day!

Dress to impress and do your research in advance. Consider attending one of our Prepare for the Fair events or reviewing our Prepare for the Fair Mini Career Course before attending.

Any questions, please email

[For the list of attending employers, please visit the booking page on MyCareerHub]

Please note there will be a quiet half hour between 11 am and 11:30 am.

Hosted by
Careers and Employability Service
Elphinstone Hall

Online booking available

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