UNICEF Workshop: Climate Advocacy Training

UNICEF Workshop: Climate Advocacy Training

This is a past event

A UNICEF led workshop for University students that supports youth advocates on their journeys to creating meaningful change in their communities.

The UNICEF Youth Advocacy Guide is a tool created by young people, for young people, to support youth advocates on their journeys to creating meaningful change in their communities. The Youth Advocacy Guide takes users on a journey from fact finding, to stakeholder engagement, to reading and contributing to policy documents, to implementation and awareness raising activities. It is intended for use on any advocacy topic. 

This is a three hour session, with the objective of introducing participants to the sections of the Guide and inspiring them to go on their own advocacy journey, within the context of their climate work. At the end of the session, participants will have a basic idea of an advocacy project/plan they would like to pursue.

The UNICEF workshop on climate advocacy represents for the University of Aberdeen and its community an opportunity to train students and young people to be effective advocates, activists, and campaigners on important issues such as climate change. As a university we are committed to sustainability, as set out in the Aberdeen 2040 strategy and this workshop provides a platform to learn about advocacy and campaigning so that students have the opportunity to be skilled in this area. 

This workshop, led by UNICEF and part of the University’s activity in response to COP26, is an opportunity for students to understand the knowledge and tactics required to become effective campaigners around the issues that are important to them as well as learning from some real-life case studies that can be taken away for future use. 

Registration - The number of places on this workshop are limited, please complete this form to register your place. 

Proposed Running Order

12.30pm Welcome
12.35pm Introduction and Contextualisation 
12.50pm Overview of the advocacy journey 
1.00pm Finding your issue
1.15pm fact-finding
1.25pm Break
1.30pm Fact-finding
1.45pm Policy engagement
2.00pm Attending conferences and meetings and networking
2.10pm Awareness raising
2.30pm Group break
2.45pm Advocacy planning
3.30pm Debrief, questions and closing