Aberdeen Climate Action Climate Cafe - What Happens at COP?

Aberdeen Climate Action Climate Cafe - What Happens at COP?

This is a past event

In this free online event four amazing speakers including two from the University of Aberdeen will tell the audience what COP26 means to the organisations they work for.

Scott Herret, Just Transition Organiser at Friends of the Earth Scotland (FoES) will tell the audience what COP26 means for Friends of the Earth Scotland.

ACA’s own Professor Adam Price will talk about the NESCAN campaign on Just Transition for Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire that will be taken to COP26 on Thursday 4th November.

Tara Schmidt who has attended and presented at several COPs will give us a short overview on what COP is all about.

Ana Payo-Payo, ACA member and Research Fellow at the University of Aberdeen will briefly speak to us live from COP26 in Glasgow.
