Business Enterprise Tea Event

Business Enterprise Tea Event

This is a past event

we are proud to announce our monthly "Business Tea" events where you can exchange ideas with academics, business owners and student entrepreneurs.

Have you dreamed about creating your own business? Maybe, instead of becoming a business owner, you’d rather be the best employee at your workplace? In both cases, we are proud to announce our monthly “Business Tea” events where you can exchange ideas with academics, business owners and student entrepreneurs.

Come along to Union Brew, on the 27th October at 4pm for the Business Tea Vol.1.

Allow yourself to think out of the box and change the perception, because being an entrepreneur is a mindset not a profession.,27th October 2021, 4-5.30 PM

Hosted by
Business Enterprise

Please enter your details to attend the first Business Tea event - the first event at UoA where students, academics, business owners and student entrepreneurs join forces to develop business ideas and change the face of entrepreneurship on campus.