Page 2 of 2Results 11 to 19 of 19, 01 - 11 September 2023
School of Education receive Silver Athena Swan award for work progressing gender equality
The School of Education has recently received an Athena Swan Silver award for its work progressing gender equality. Advance HE’s Athena Swan Charter recognises commitment to the advancement of gender equality in academic, professional and support roles, through departments and institutions taking action to identify and overcome barriers to career progression...
Engaging with NHS GRampian on health research study
On 1st September, we brought together community members from under-served areas in Aberdeenshire with officials from NHS Grampian to meet and exchange on the community empowerment demonstration study ‘Cost of Living Cost of Smoking’ and future directions. The meeting was held in the Duncan Rice Library at the University.In...
Evening language courses still time to sign up!
Want to learn a new language or continue your language learning? The Language Centre at the University of Aberdeen can help.
Launch of the University's Sustainability Dashboard
Have you ever wondered about the University's carbon emissions, what do we include in our emissions profile, and what activity is the greatest source of emissions?
Rental Fraud - Police Scotland Advice
Property rental fraud is on the increase and with the new terms at University about to start demand is sure to be high to secure that new rental home.
MySkills - a new tool for your skills development!
MySkills is a new tool for all students to track, develop, reflect on and record their skills development and achievements on CareerConnect. Use it to boost your employability, develop your self-awareness and support you in making applications in future!
Autism and Theology Podcast
The Centre for Autism and Theology have started a podcast! The Autism and Theology Podcast is a space for discussing the latest conversations in the field, sharing resources, and hearing life stories. Our first episode was released on the 6th of September and you can listen here!
Improvements to Sir Duncan Rice Library: You Shape UoA
You asked. We delivered. Earlier this year, we consulted our student community about how we could improve our library spaces. Based on your feedback, we’ve worked throughout the summer to transform the 2nd floor of the Sir Duncan Rice Library to bring you fantastic new spaces to work on group projects which...
Choral Conducting Scholarships
Two scholarships are available for student conductors to work with the Chapel Choir for one academic year: - The Hopkin Conducting Scholarship (£500) - The King’s College Chapel Conducting Scholarship (£250) Auditions for these scholarships will take place on MONDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 2023 from 5.00 pm. Any students wishing to audition for these scholarships...