Page 2 of 2Results 11 to 17 of 17, 06 - 17 September 2021
Study Gaelic
Wondering what to do alongside your main subject? Why not study Gaelic: Scotland’s oldest living language. Gaelic is currently undergoing a national revival with increased support across all parts of society. You can pick Gaelic as a subject (GH1007) even if you have never studied it before and expect to...
Elphinstone Institute Public Events - Autumn 2021
The Elphinstone Institute welcomes you to its Autumn 2021 public events, which include public talks, storytelling events, film screenings, and community discussions. This is a guide for all of our public events for the Autumn, so there are numerous dates/times, though all are online.
Organ Scholarship Auditions
Auditions for the Organ Scholarship will take place in King’s College Chapel on Tuesday 28 September 2021. King's College Chapel have two scholarships on offer: David and June Gordon Memorial Organ Scholarship - Senior Scholar (£500 per annum) King’s College Organ Scholarship -Junior Scholar (£250 per annum) Scholars’ duties include: attendance at all choral...
Volunteers wanted for Unibuddy
We are looking for students to volunteer as 'Unibuddies' to chat to prospective students and answer questions from their own personal experience of Aberdeen and the university.
Aberdeen Institute at SCNU welcomes first intake of students
Staff and students attended the official opening of a new institute created by the University of Aberdeen and South China Normal University last week (September 9).
Pick up your Wrist Band
When classes and activities can resume, you are going to face a tough question: How close should I get to someone?
An open letter on Mental health and wellbeing in the new academic year
Dear student, We are pleased to be welcoming you to university for the 2021/22 academic year whether you are starting university for the first time or returning to a new level of study. We know that many of you are excited to return to in-person teaching and wider face-to-face experiences at university....