Page 2 of 2Results 11 to 15 of 15, 05 - 11 May 2021
Collections Conversations: Francis Van Hagen, Aberdeen's first named bookbinder
Francis Van Hagen's distinctive seventeenth century bindings cover over 100 books in the University's Special Collections. Whilst he may have been paid to bind books, it may be that he was not, first and foremost, a bookbinder. To find out more about Van Hagan, join UoA Collections and Jane Pirie, Curator...
Paid summer internship
Unifrog is offering two paid summer internships starting anytime from May
The application deadline for Santander Mobility Awards 2021 has been further extended.
The application deadline for Santander Mobility Awards 2021 has been further extended to Friday, 21st May 2021. The Mobility Award offers up to a maximum value of £1,000 to support mobility, short-term online courses, or research at another institution in the Santander Universities network. The Mobility Award is Open for all...
Huge success for UG students of German at annual Austrian literature competition "WriteAUT"
This year's virtual prize giving ceremony of the Austrian literature competition "WriteAUT" which is organised by Austrian lecturer across the UK and Ireland, took place on April 30th and was hosted by the Austrian Cultural Forum London.
History student's work highlights 'forgotten' contribution to WW1 in charity book
The work of a fourth-year history student highlighting the role played by Latin American soldiers in the First World War has been included in a new book.