Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 4 of 4, 09 - 24 June 2022
Aberdeen Sports Village - New Leisure Management System
Aberdeen Sports Village (ASV) are delighted to announce that they will be switching over to a new leisure management system on Friday 1 July.
Grow your skills online!
Graduating in July? Pick up your free wildflower seeds from our Online Education Team at P&J Live! As your gardens grow, we hope you’ll be reminded that you can grow your skills online with us anywhere in the world.
Focus on Fibre Study
The Rowett Institute need participants for a 7-week study to assess the role of dietary fibre in the regulation of appetite control and the adaptation of the gut ecosystem for health. All meals will be provided. Eligibility:Overweight adults* (BMI 28-40kg/m²) who eat less than 10g of fibre per day. You will...
University represented at UArctic Assembly
Aberdeen scholars were in Portland, Maine, last week as delegates to the 2022 UArctic Assembly. Alumnus Karla Williamson served on a high-level panel on 'The New Future of the Arctic' with Maine Senator Angus S King Jr. on the transition to a post-carbon future which sits on the shoulders of...