Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 11, 17 - 28 February 2023
Beatrice Anna Percival Memorial Prize for Geology & Petroleum Geology 2022-23
Are you an undergraduate student in Geology & Petroleum Geology who loves sport?
Cheer Leading Success
The University's cheerleading team AUCS achieved major success at the University National Championships in Manchester on 19 February.
Are you financially impacted by increasing costs?
Are you financially impacted by increasing costs? We are here to support you through our Hardship initiatives.
Grab and Go pick up points
Are you struggling financially as a result of the increased cost of living? You can grab free cupboard essentials from our Grab and Go points across campus.
Careers in the UN and European Parliament
In February 2023 we were joined by two graduates of the School for an event entitled ‘Careers with a Social Science degree – the international experience’. During the event, our speakers Yasmin and Julie talked about their work and shared advice for job hunting. Both highlighted their experience as students...
SDRL - Level 7 closed on 28 February
Level 7 of the SDR Library will be closed on Tuesday 28 February for an event celebrating the life of Sir Duncan Rice.
Pause on strikes - classes go ahead
20 February 2023 Dear student, Following positive progress in national talks between the University College Union (UCU) and the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA), I am pleased to let you know that strike action has been paused for the next two weeks. This means your classes will go ahead as normal on...
Donate Blood
You can donate blood on Monday 27 February at Elphinstone Hall.
Microsoft Authenticator changes
There are changes coming to Microsoft Authenticator Monday 27th February. If you use another method for Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) this does not apply to you, and you can disregard this message. To help prevent MFA fatigue, instead of Approve/Decline you will be shown a number on screen and asked to...
NEO Energy Postgraduate Scholarship Programme
Energy firm NEO Energy is offering 2 scholarships worth £20k each for Home/UK students commencing an energy-related postgraduate degree in September 2023.