Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 20, 19 - 28 April 2023
Senate Digest
The Senate meets five times a year and is the University's main academic body. There was a meeting of Senate on Wednesday 19 April.
Celebrate your dissertation on insta
Celebrate handing in your dissertation on the StudentLifeUoA Insta! Send us a photo of you and your dissertation, on campus or wherever you are! Every student who sends us a photo will be entered into a prize draw to win a graduation bear. DM us on insta or email on
Win a year's worth of ice cream!
We’ve teamed up with Mackie's of Scotland to bring one lucky member of staff and one student the chance to win a year’s worth of ice cream. And while it’s hard to imagine anything better than that, thanks to those brilliant people at Mackie’s, even if you miss out on the big prize,...
Become a Buddy!
Become a Buddy and help our new students settle into uni life by sharing your experiences at UoA and in Aberdeen.
Elevator Academic Accelerator is now open for applications!
In partnership with UoA, the Academic Accelerator acts as a launch pad for those who have ideas with real potential, but need support in making their business a success.
Celebrating National pet month and Stress Awareness month at Libraries
The Month of April is both National Pet Month and Stress Awareness Month- to mark this libraries have put up poster boards for people to share their best pet picture! At the Sir Duncan Rice Library we have a range of resources and tips to help relax. City libraries have...
Earth Day: The Commercial & Catering Services team
Earth Day takes place each year on 22 April and since the first event in 1970, is now recognised as a global event. leads on transformational environmental change, seeking bold, creative and innovative solutions to many of the environmental challenges faced today. The Commercial & Catering Services team and colleagues...
Build your Wellbeing journey
As a UoA student you have free access to our Student Helpline app: Spectrum.Life
Reporting hate crime
Dear student, You may be aware of recent media reports regarding racist leaflets being posted in various locations throughout Aberdeen, including close to student accommodation in the city. These leaflets, which falsely claim to be produced by Aberdeen City Council, are now being investigated by Police Scotland. We recognise the distress this kind...
Marking and assessment boycott: industrial action update
Dear student, You may have seen reports that the University and College Union or UCU - that represents some of our academic and academic-related staff - has voted to continue industrial action in the ongoing national pay and pensions dispute. UCU confirmed today that the action being taken includes a marking and...