Page 57 of 64Results 561 to 570 of 634, 13 July - 17 August 2021
The 'Hack 2040' Ideathon
Do you have the imagination, ideas and creativity to hack the Aberdeen 2040 Strategic Plan? Apply as a team of 2-6 people. Choose one of the twenty strategic commitments that form the Strategic Plan, spend three days working on your idea and submit an idea pitch. The top three winning...
Blackwell's Competition
Blackwell's has a wonderful opportunity for University students to Win their University Career’s Worth Of Books! Simply, follow the Aberdeen branch on Instagram then head on over to Blackwell's main account @blackwellbooks like their post and tag up to three friends! U.K. & over 18’s only! Winners will be announced on Stories on the...
Share your opinion and earn £20
Share your opinion and earn £20 You are invited to share your views on our brand at the University of Aberdeen Brand Awareness focus group sessions! The project consists of 2 sessions with 2 date options each - the choice is yours! In session 1 we will introduce you to the project, ask...
University of Aberdeen secures Turing Funding
The University of Aberdeen is pleased to announce that our bid for funding to support international opportunities for students via the new Turing Scheme has been successful.
Black History Month 2021 - Call for ideas
October each year marks Black History Month.
Volunteers wanted for Welcome Week event
During welcome week, we're hosting three student panels allowing our current students to share their uni experiences with our new students.
Santander Aspire Tech Grants
Santander UK Universities is offering 400 undergraduates, graduates and postgraduates - from all UK Universities - the opportunity to receive a grant which can be used on the Santander Aspire Tech webstore, ranging from £50-£1,000!
Do you want to study abroad next year? It’s not too late! Spend second half session experiencing something new, from Iceland to the USA, there are still exchange spaces available. Applications open 2-6 August. Find out more and apply by clicking here.
Internship Competition
Engineering company, Worley, are running a competition for engineering university students in the UK to celebrate COP26. If you win, you'll join them for a paid summer internship.
Elphinstone Road/Meston Walk Road Closure
Aberdeen City Council have advised they will be carrying out carriageway resurfacing works on Elphinstone Road and Meston Walk from 26 July until 6 August. The works will take place between 0700 and 1500.