Page 54 of 64Results 531 to 540 of 638, 29 September - 13 October 2021
British Society of Animal Science Undergraduate 2021 Thesis of the Year
Congratulations to one of our students Charlotte Craggs who was highly commended in the British Society of Animal Science Undergraduate 2021 Thesis of the Year. The title was ‘Assessing the impact of mastitis and lameness on milk yield, milk quality, activity, rumination, and behaviour in Holstein/Friesian dairy cattle housed in...
Congratulation to John Speakman
John received the China Friendship Award at a ceremony in the Great Hall of the People at Tiananmen Square The award was initiated in 1951 and has been given to a total of 1699 individuals from 73 countries over the last 70 years. The award is the highest honour that can be...
We want your ideas for Aberdeen 2040
Dear students, At its September meeting, the University Court approved the Aberdeen 2040 Implementation Plan to 2025. This implementation plan outlines the high-level actions to 2025 representing significant initiatives to be taken forward over the next four years, designed to underpin and drive forward each of the 20 commitments outlined within...
Police Announcement on British Passports
Anyone using their UK Passport as a form of ID should be aware of the following rules set out by the Home Office.
University Library Stores Move
Starting on the 11th October the University Library will be moving sixteen thousand metres of books from its on-campus stores to a new institutional store in Inverurie.
British Inter University Commercial Awareness Competition - BIUCAC 2021
Want to increase your commercial awareness? Join BIUCAC 2021, a free commercial awareness competition exclusive to Non-Russel Group Students. With 22 amazing prizes from the 22 sponsor law firms! Win vacation schemes, work experience and many more prizes. For more information visit the BIUCAC 2021 website.
Sports Arbitration Moot
The Sports Arbitration Moot (SAM) is a moot competition on sports law arbitration that we have just launched in collaboration with FIFA, the University of Neuchâtel and the Swiss Arbitration Academy.
Progress on environmental sustainability: An update from Karl Leydecker, Senior Vice-Principal
Dear student, With COP26 only a few weeks away, I would like to update you on the University’s progress and ambitions in relation to environmental sustainability. Our Aberdeen 2040 strategy includes a clear commitment to show leadership in working for the sustainable future of our planet, including a commitment to achieve net...
Ice Stupas - bringing water to some of the driest, coldest places on Earth
The University of Aberdeen are working with partners to enhance an innovation that is providing vital water in some of the most arid places on the planet.
Stay up-to-date with COP26
The University will be hosting a range of activities and events leading up to and during the COP26 conference.