Online Etiquette

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Online Etiquette

When using social media it can be tempting to communicate in ways we wouldn’t consider if we were face-to-face with other people. Remember that comments you post online can be misconstrued or unintentionally cause offence to others. The written word can often lack the nuances of face-to-face interactions. 

 You cannot expect your posts to remain private. Posting anything online (even on closed profiles or groups) has the potential to become public without your knowledge or consent. You are personally responsible for what you publish, and once online, it's very difficult to delete or control how widely material is shared. 

Something you post now has the potential to cause difficulties in the future with friends, family and even potential employers.

When registering as a student at the University of Aberdeen, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct and act in accordance with our policies, which include treating staff and fellow students with dignity and respect. The behaviour expected from you applies both online and offline and we view violations on social media as equal to anything published in print or said in person.

The Codes of Practice on Student Discipline set out the procedures to be followed in the case of disciplinary offences by students.  The Code of Practice can be found  on the University's website.

Disciplinary action brought against you by the University could, in serious cases, lead to suspension or expulsion. Beyond that, any student, member of staff or third party may have the right to pursue separate legal action against you if they consider that your actions entitle them to some form of redress, for example the payment of compensation.

Before posting on social media you should think about how what you’re posting might affect other people. Before posting anything. ask yourself:

  • If you’re posting content that includes other people (e.g. their photos), have you checked whether they’re happy for that to be shared online?
  • Does what you’re posting contain any type of offensive language?
  • Are you saying something that you wouldn’t feel comfortable saying in person?
  • If you’re sending a message to someone, how would you feel if you received that same message?

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