SDRL - Level 7 closed on 28 February

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SDRL - Level 7 closed on 28 February

Level 7 of the SDR Library will be closed on Tuesday 28 February for an event celebrating the life of Sir Duncan Rice.

All other services will operate as usual and opening hours will not be affected. If you require access to resources on Level 7, please speak with Library staff on Level 1.

The Library is the flagship of the vision of Sir Duncan Rice, who was University Principal from 1996 to 2010. His pioneering approach to philanthropy earned him a reputation as the ‘quiet revolutionary of Scottish higher education’ and led to a highly successful fundraising campaign which facilitated the building of the library, named in his honour. Sir Duncan Rice died in February 2022.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Access to Level 7 will resume as normal on Wednesday 29 February.

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