Excellence Awards

Excellence Awards

A celebration of the outstanding contributions of our staff and students

The Principal's Excellence Awards are an annual celebration of the outstanding achievements of University of Aberdeen staff, students and alumni.

Staff and students are invited to nominate members of our community who have made significant contributions in categories ranging from: excellence in teaching; exceptional contributions in professional and support services; outstanding research and engagement; and more!

Eligibility requirements differ for each award, please read the terms of eligibility before you submit your nomination. For most awards, sections of the nomination forms will be shared with the nominee, including who has nominated them and why.

Principal's Excellence Awards 2025

Key Dates

  • Nominations open Wednesday 23 October 2024.
  • Nominations close at 12pm (noon) on Wednesday 12 February 2025.
  • Judging panels will select winners and runners-up (shortlisted nominees) in most categories by Thursday 13 March 2025.
  • A list of shortlisted nominees will be shared in the staff newsletter March 2025.
  • Winners will be announced at an Excellence Awards ceremony on Thursday 17 April 2025. Winners and runners-up will be announced to the wider community on Friday 18 April 2025.


For more information or questions about the awards, email excellenceawards@abdn.ac.uk