C6 and C7
Watch this video to find out more about our monitoring and engagement process.
The University monitors student attendance at classes and engagement with their studies so we can identify students who may be experiencing difficulties with their studies. This allows us to intervene early and offer support to ensure that they remain on track for their degree.
Students who do not engage with their studies (e.g. not attending compulsory classes, not submitting assessments, not meeting with their supervisors) may receive an engagement email (C6) because we are concerned. When this happens, the student must contact the relevant School and explain the reason for their lack of engagement with their studies. The school will then provide support and advice as required needed to get the student back on track with their studies.
Failure to reply to the School by the deadline stated in the email will result in the student being removed from the course (C7). If this happens the student should contact the school immediately to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.
If a course coordinator or supervisor is concerned about your engagement with a course, for example, due to unexplained non-attendance at two or more sessions or meetings, or failure to submit assessments, you will receive an 'Attendance and Engagement Concern (C6)' email from "Monitoring" to your University account. This is recorded on your student record with the code C6. Please do not ignore these emails.
The email will list which course has raised the concern, for example you may have missed two compulsory psychology workshops and the email will list the course code (e.g. PS3015) and name (e.g. Methodology A). To resolve this you must reply to the School by 12noon on the deadline stated on the email.
In the majority of situations this is quickly and easily resolved and the C6 code is removed from your student record. It will also have no impact on the grades you are awarded.
Failure to reply by the deadline will result in a student receiving an Attendance and Engagement At Risk email (C7). This warns that if you do not reply to the School this will result in you being removed from the course (or research degree for PhD students) and losing the right to attend, receive supervision, take exams or assessments or receive credits for the course.
This will appear as the code C7 on your student record and you will be notified of this by email sent to your University account.
Please be aware that additional expectations may be required for regulated programmes e.g. in healthcare. If in doubt, then please check with your year leads or consult your programme handbooks.
If a student has received and not replied to an Attendance and Engagement Concern email (C6) it will trigger an 'Attendance and Engagement At Risk (C7)' email from "Monitoring" to your University account. Please do not ignore these emails.
The code C7 will be added to your student record and you will be removed from the course (or research degree for PhD students) and have lost the right to attend, receive supervision, take exams or assessments or receive credits for the course. You will also no longer have access to course materials available on MyAberdeen. This is referred to as the withdrawal or refusal of a Class Certificate.
This is a serious situation. Without taking the appropriate steps, you could be jeopardising your studies and, if you have more than one C7* on your record, the University may take action to discontinue your studies.
International students holding a Tier 4/Student visa may be reported to the UKVI if they are issued with one or more Attendance and Engagement At Risk (C7) emails and are not actively and consistently engaging with their studies.
You should contact the relevant School as soon as possible to attempt to remove a C7 from your student record.
If a C7 is removed it will not continue to be on your student record. It will also have no impact on the grade you are awarded.
*For Postgraduate students this would be a single C7 where continued registration related to a course by thesis/dissertation/project.
Please be aware that additional expectations may be required for regulated programmes e.g. in healthcare. If in doubt, then please check with your year leads or consult your programme handbooks.
If you have received an Attendance and Engagement (C6 or C7) email you must contact the School via the Requests and Reports tab in your Student Hub and explain the reason for non-attendance or engagement.
Your submission will go directly to the course(s) affected to be dealt with by the relevant School(s) and you will receive a response from them directly.
Below is a list of frequently asked questions about the monitoring process, which you may find helpful.
Why does the University monitor students' engagement with and performance on courses? |
I have been sent an email telling me that I am at risk and a C6 is showing on my student record in my Student Hub. What does this mean and what must I do? |
I am a postgraduate student. How do I make an appointment to meet with my Programme Coordinator/Supervisor? |
I am a postgraduate student. I have received one or more C7s and have been told that I should meet with my Programme Coordinator or Supervisor. Why is this? |
How do I know which School to contact? |
I think I have received a C6 in error. What must I do? |
I have received a C6 and have contacted the School. What happens next? |
I have received a C6 and have contacted the School by the action date but I have now received an email informing me that I have lost the right to attend the course. Why is this? |
My C6 was overturned but I have now received a further email saying that I have received another C6 or C7. Is this a mistake? |
What is a C7? |
I have received an email telling me that I no longer have the right to attend a course. What should I do? |
I am submitting an appeal against a C7. I would like access to the course materials on MyAberdeen, to engage with classes and submit course work. |
I am a postgraduate student. My studies at the University have been discontinued. Can I appeal this decision? |
What is a Class Certificate? |
Why have I not received a response from the monitoring email address? |
I am an undergraduate student and have received a C6. I no longer wish to take this course. What must I do? |
Please note that it is only the School that can help you in resolving the student attendance and engagement concerns (C6/C7) and you must contact them as detailed above. For wider support, however, you may find it useful to contact the following support services.