Student Monitoring (C6 and C7)

Student Monitoring (C6 and C7)

The University operates a monitoring system throughout the academic year to identify students who may be experiencing difficulties with their studies and to ensure that they remain on track for their degree. Students who do not engage with their studies (e.g. not attending compulsory classes,submitting major pieces of assessments) may receive a  C6 or C7 on their record. This is a prompt for the students to get in touch with the School and explain why they haven’t engaged with their studies and provide support where needed. Failure to contact the School will result in them being removed from the course (C7). Personal Tutors are not expected to get involved in these situations but are cc’d into the communication in case the student needs to contact you to for advice. It is good practice for personal tutors to email the student offering support, however only the student can resolve these situations by following the instructions in the C6/7 emails.  

C6 and C7

Watch this video to find out more about our monitoring and engagement process.

What is a C6?

If a course coordinator is concerned about your academic performance or engagement with the course, they will insert a C6 onto your student record. Concerns might include unexplained non-attendance at two or more sessions, or failure to submit required work.

This will trigger an email from "Monitoring" to your University account. Please do not ignore these emails.

To resolve a C6 on your student record, please follow the relevant School procedure by 12 noon on the action date, which will be given at the bottom of the monitoring email. Failure to act by the action date may result in you losing the right to attend, receive supervision, take exams or assessments or receive credits for the course.  This will appear as C7 on your student record and you will be notified of this by email sent to your University account.

Note that if a C6 is removed, then the fact that you had a C6 will not continue to be on your student record. The fact that you may have had a C6 will also have no impact on the grades you are awarded.  Please be aware, however, that in some regulated programmes such as healthcare in which there is ongoing evaluation of professionalism, regard may be had to a pattern of C6s, to the factors underlying them and to how students respond to these. Students should continue to liaise with year leads and Regents for guidance. 

What is a C7?

A C7 will be added to your record if you do not respond to a C6. A C7 means that you have lost the right to attend, receive supervision, take exams or assessments or receive credits for the course. You also no longer have access to course materials available on MyAberdeen. This is referred to as the withdrawal or refusal of a Class Certificate and a C7 will appear on your record in your student record against the relevant courses.

This is a serious situation. Without taking the appropriate steps, you could be jeopardising your studies and, if you have more than one C7* on your record, the University may take action to discontinue your studies.

International students holding a Tier 4/Student visa may be reported to the UKVI if they are issued with one or more C7 and are not actively and consistently engaging with study.

During blended and online learning, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, if you contact the School your access to MyAberdeen will be restored. The C7 will, however, remain and you must follow the guidance from your School.

You should contact the School C6 contact as soon as possible to attempt to remove a C7 from your student record. The School can guide you on the process, which will likely involve a formal appeal.

If the C7 is removed after an appeal, then the fact that you had a C7 will not continue to be on your student record. The fact that you may have had a C7 which was then removed after appeal will also have no impact on the grade you are awarded.  Please be aware, however, that in some regulated programmes such as healthcare in which there is ongoing evaluation of professionalism, regard may be had to a pattern of C6s, to the factors underlying them and to how students respond to these.  Students should continue to liaise with year leads and Regents for guidance. 

This contact with the School is not the same as contacting your personal tutor or your PGT programme lead for pastoral support. You may find it helpful to do this too, but you need to engage directly with the C6 process.   

*For Postgraduate students this would be a single C7 where continued registration related to a course by thesis/dissertation/project.

Removing a C6 or C7 from your student record

Each course belongs to a School, details of which are provided in the monitoring email which you have been sent. For instructions on how to contact a School to attempt to resolve the situation regarding your C6 or C7, please visit the tab named "How do things work in my School?" selecting the relevant School and follow the instructions.

If you are unsure of which School the course you have received a C6 or C7 for belongs to, please refer to the 'which School should I contact?' tab. If you have any questions, you should be able to find the answers on the Frequently Asked Questions tab.

Which School should I contact?

Which School Should I contact?

If you are unsure of which School the course have received a C6 or C7 for belongs to, please use the table below to check. Information about School contacts can be found on the previous tab.

Course Codes

AB | CD | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | NO | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Prefix Course Discipline School
AC Accountancy Business School
AN Anatomy School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
AR Arabic School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
AT Anthropology School of Social Science
AY Archaeology School of Geosciences
BC Biochemistry School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
BI Biology School of Biological Sciences
BM Biomedical Sciences School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
BP Biomedical Physics School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
BT Biotechnology School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
BU Business Studies Business School
CE Celtic School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
CM Chemistry School of Natural & Computing Sciences
CO Counselling Skills School of Education
CS Computing Science School of Natural & Computing Sciences
DB Developmental Biology School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
DE Dentistry School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
DR Divinity & Religious Studies School of Divinity, History & Philosophy
EA Civil Engineering School of Engineering
EC Economics Business School
ED Education School of Education
EE Electrical Engineering School of Engineering
EG Engineering School of Engineering
EK Ecology School of Biological Sciences
EL English School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
EM Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering
EP Petroleum Engineering School of Engineering
ES Engineering Science School of Engineering
EU European Studies School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
EV Environmental Sciences School of Biological Sciences
EX Chemical Engineering School of Engineering
FI Finance Business School
FM Forensic Medicine School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
FR French Studies School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
FS Film & Visual Culture School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
FY Forestry School of Biological Sciences
GG Geography School of Geosciences
GH Gaelic School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
GL Geology & Petroleum Geology School of Geosciences
GM German School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
GN Genetics School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
HA History of Art School of Divinity, History & Philosophy
HC History of Civilisation School of Divinity, History & Philosophy
HE Health Sciences School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
HI History School of Divinity, History & Philosophy
HS History & Philosophy Of Science School of Divinity, History & Philosophy
IM Immunology School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
IN International Business Business School
IR International Relations School of Social Science
LN Language & Linguistics School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
LS Law School of Law
LT Latin School of Divinity, History & Philosophy
LW Literature in a World Context School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
LX Legal Studies School of Law
MA Mathematics School of Natural & Computing Sciences
MB Molecular Biology School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
MC Microbiology School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
ME Medicine School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
MN Mandarin School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
MP Medical Physics School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
MR Marine & Coastal Resource Management School of Biological Sciences
MS Business Management Business School
MT Medicine and Therapeutics School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
MU Music School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
MX Mathematical Sciences School of Natural & Computing Sciences
NU Nursing School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
OG Oil & Gas Innovation School of Engineering
PA Pharmacology School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
PD Professional Development School of Education
PH Philosophy School of Divinity, History & Philosophy
PI Politics School of Social Science
PL Plant Science School of Biological Sciences
PO Real Estate Business School
PS Psychology School of Psychology
PU Public Health School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
PX Physics School of Natural & Computing Sciences
PY Physiology School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition

Qatar Law

QB Qatar Business Qatar
QI Qatar International Relations Qatar
QC Qatar computing Qatar
RN Rowett Nutrition School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
RS Religious Studies School of Divinity, History & Philosophy
SL Social Science Generic Skills School of Social Science
SM School of Medical Sciences School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
SN Scandinavian Language School of Language, Literature,  Music & Visual Culture
SO Sociology School of Social Science
SP Hispanic Studies School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture
SR Sports Science School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
SS Soil Science School of Biological Sciences
ST Statistics School of Natural & Computing Sciences
TR Transition From War To Peace School of Social Science
ZO Zoology School of Biological Sciences
Contact School Course Prefix / Course Code
Business School
  • All AC Courses
  • BI 5504
  • All BU Courses
  • All EC Courses
  • All IN Courses
  • All MS Courses
  • All PM Courses
  • All PO Courses
  • All QL codes
  • All QB codes
  • All QI codes
  • All QC codes
Divinity, History and Philosophy
  • All CU Courses
  • All DR Courses
  • All EU Courses
  • All HA Courses
  • All HC Courses
  • All HI Courses
  • All HS Courses
  • All LT Courses
  • All PH Courses
  • All RS Courses
  • SL 5007
  • All CO Courses
  • All ED Courses
  • EF Courses (Not all for education)
  • All EI Courses
  • All GX Courses
  • All LL Courses
Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture
  • All AF Courses
  • All AR Courses
  • All CE Courses
  • All EL Courses
  • All FR Courses
  • All FS Courses
  • All GH Courses
  • All GM Courses
  • All IS Courses
  • All LC Courses
  • All LN Courses
  • All LW Courses
  • All MN Courses
  • All MU Courses
  • All SN Courses
  • All SP Courses
  • All LS Courses
  • All LX Courses
Social Science
  • All AT Courses
  • All ER Courses
  • All IR Courses
  • All PI Courses
  • SL Courses (Not All for Social Science)
  • All SO Courses
  • SS 5505
Biological Sciences
  • BI Courses (Not all for Biological Sciences)
  • BT 5001
  • BT 5303
  • All EK Courses
  • All EV Courses
  • All FY Courses
  • LM Courses
  • All PL Courses
  • SF 1004
  • SF 1005
  • SF 1504
  • SS Courses (Not all for Biological Sciences)
  • All TB Courses
  • All ZO Courses
Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition
  • AN Courses
  • All BC Courses
  • BI 2002
  • BI 20B2
  • BI 20M3
  • BI 25B2
  • BI 25M5
  • BI 25M7
  • BM Courses
  • BM 2009
  • BM 2509
  • All BP Courses
  • BT Courses (Not all for Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition)
  • BT 5008
  • BT 5009
  • All CB Courses
  • All CH Courses
  • All DB Courses
  • All DE Courses
  • All EN Courses
  • All FM Courses
  • All GN Courses
  • All GP Courses
  • All GS Courses
  • All HE Courses
  • All IM Courses (Not all for Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition)
  • IM 5001
  • IM 5004
  • IM 5005
  • IM 5504
  • IM 5507
  • IM 5511
  • IM 5900
  • MB Courses (Not all for Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition)
  • MB 5012
  • MC Courses (Not all for Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition)
  • MC 5503
  • MC 5507
  • MC 5508
  • MC 5509
  • MC 5901
  • All MH Courses
  • All MM Courses
  • MT Courses (Not all for Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition)
  • MT 5702
  • All NU Courses
  • All OG Courses
  • All OP Courses
  • All PA Courses
  • PS 5007
  • PS 5503
  • All PT Courses
  • All PU Courses
  • All PY Courses
  • All RD Courses
  • SB 5006
  • SB 5507
  • SB 5901
  • SF 1003
  • SF 1503
  • All SK Courses
  • All SM Courses
  • All SR Courses
  • All SU Courses
  • PS Courses (Not all for Psychology)
Rowett Institutes
  • All RR Courses
  • EG Courses (Not all for Engineering)
  • EA, EE, EM, EP and EX Courses
  • All AY Courses
  • All GG Courses
  • All GL Courses
  • All MR Courses
Natural and Computing Sciences
  • All CM Courses
  • All CS Courses
  • All MA Courses
  • All MX Courses
  • All PX Courses
  • All ST Courses
Courses Prefixed 'KL'
Contact School Course Prefix / Course Code
Level 1 Level2 Level 3 Level 4
Business School KL 10F5
KL 15F5
Divinity, History & Philosophy KL 1022
KL 1023
KL 1025
KL 1026
KL 1028
KL 1029
KL 102C
KL 1049
KL 1098
KL 1525
KL 1527
KL 1528
KL 152P
KL 1548
KL 1597
KL 15F4
KL 200W
KL 2013
KL 20B4
KL 20B6
KL 20B7
KL 20B8
KL 20C1
KL 20C2
KL 20C3
KL 20C4
KL 20C5
KL 20C6
KL 250W
KL 2591
KL 2595
KL 25A1
KL 25A3
KL 25A4
KL 25B1
KL 25B7

KL 25B9
KL 25C1
KL 25C2
KL 25C3
KL 25C4
KL 25C5
KL 25C6
KL 3004
KL 300M
KL 303H
KL 30M1
KL 30M2
KL 30M3
KL 30M4
KL 30M5
KL 30M6
KL 30M7
KL 30M8
KL 30M9
KL 30N1
KL 30N2
KL 30N3
KL 30N4
KL 30N5
KL 30N6
KL 30N7
KL 30N8
KL 30N9
KL 30P1
KL 30P2
KL 3504
KL 353B
KL 353H
KL 3557
KL 35M1
KL 35M2
KL 35M3
KL 35M4

KL 35M5
KL 35M6
KL 35M7

KL 35M8
KL 35M9
KL 35N1
KL 35N2
KL 35N3
KL 35N4

KL 35N5
KL 35N6
KL 35N7

KL 35N8
KL 35N9
KL 35P1
KL 35P2
KL 4005
KL 4009
KL 4010
KL 4011
KL 4012
KL 4013
KL 4014

KL 4015
KL 4016
KL 4017
KL 4018
KL 4019
KL 4020
KL 4021
KL 4022
KL 4023
KL 4024
KL 4025
KL 4026
KL 4030
KL 4031
KL 40M2
KL 4501
KL 4506
KL 4510
KL 4511
KL 4512
KL 4513
KL 4514
KL 4515
KL 4516
KL 4517
KL 4518
KL 45
KL 4520
KL 4521
KL 4522
KL 4523
KL 4524
KL 4525
KL 4526
KL 4527
KL 4530
KL 45M2
Education KL 10F2      
Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture KL 10F3
KL 15F2
KL 15F3
KL 15P4

KL 203S    
Law KL 10F4      
Social Science KL 10F1
KL 10F7
KL 15F6

Biological Science KL 1046
KL 157V
Medicine & Dentistry KL 101Q
KL 101S
KL 151R
KL 151T
KL 2010
KL 2017
KL 2019
KL 2022
KL 2518
KL 2519
KL 2522
Geosciences KL 105J
KL 107Y
KL 107Z

KL 155H
KL 155K
KL 155L
KL 157X
KL 157Y
KL 197Z
KL 199A
KL 205C
KL 205K
KL 205S
KL 205T
KL 205U
KL 208D
KL 2094
KL 255H
KL 255T
KL 255U
KL 2593
KL 3050
KL 3052
KL 305L
KL 305M
KL 3553
KL 355B
KL 355E
KL 4051
KL 4054
KL 4056
Medicine/Medical Humanities (ME) Courses
Contact School Course Prefix / Course Code
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Business School




Divinity, History & Philosophy   ME 33AH

Education   ME 33HS

Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture   ME 33BS
Social Science   ME 33MA
Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition ME 2006
ME 2010
ME 2011

ME 2012
ME 2013
ME 2014
ME 2015
ME 2303
ME 2304
ME 2305
ME 2505
ME 2506
ME 2507
ME 3007
ME 3008
ME 3009
ME 3010
ME 3011
ME 3012
ME 3013
ME 3014
ME 3015
ME 3016
ME 3017
ME 33A1
ME 33A2
ME 33E2
ME 3403
ME 3404
ME 3501
ME 3502
ME 3804
ME 3805
ME 3901
ME 4012
ME 4014
ME 4015
ME 4016
ME 4017
ME 4018
ME 4019
ME 4020
ME 40M1
ME 40M2
ME 40M3
ME 40M4
ME 40M7
ME 40M8
ME 40M9
ME 4403
ME 4404
ME 44M2
ME 4801
ME 4804
ME 4805
ME 4901
ME 4999
ME 5008
ME 5012
ME 5014
ME 5015
ME 5016
ME 5017
ME 5018
ME 5801
ME 5900
ME 5901
Sixth Century (SX) Courses
Contact School Course Prefix / Course Code
Arts and Social Sciences
Business School
  • SX1002 Health and Wealth of Nations
Divinity, History & Philosophy
  • SX3009 Northern Light and Landscape
  • SX1011 Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities
  • SX1521 Africa Sustainability for All  
Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture
  • SX1022 Arts for a More Sustainable Planet
Social Science
  • SX1501 Human and Other Animals
Life Sciences and Medicine
Biological Sciences
  • SX1015 Oceans and Society
  • SX1504 Natural World
  • SX3006 Bioethics
Medicine and Dentistry
  • SX3012 Appetite for Food and Health
Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
  • SX1006 Mind Machine
  • SX1505 Science and The Media
  • SX3504 Consciousness
Physical Science
  • SX1007 Fearsome Engines
  • SX1507
  • SX3501 Restless Vulcan
  • SX3505 World of Food
  • SX3505 Globalization
Natural and Computing Sciences
  • SX1009 Digital Society
  • SX1509
  • SX1516 Mankind in The Universe: The Question of Objectivity
  • SX3002 Science and Society
  • SX3007 Mathematical Foundations of Everyday Life
How do things work in my School?
Biological Science

C6 - Unauthorised Withdrawal

Students who have been given a C6 for a course must respond to the email sent from Monitoring in one of two ways:

  • If you are no longer attending the course you have been given a C6 for, then you must contact your Registry Officer via email (usually  to formally withdraw from the course..
  • If you are an undergraduate and wish to continue with the course in question then please complete the C6 Form and send to

C7 – Refusal of Class Certificate

  • To attempt to resolve a C7, you should follow the steps outlined in the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, as summarised below.

    • The first step is to consider early, or frontline, resolution. You might want to explore this if you think you have received a C7 by mistake (for example, you have had no gaps in your attendance and have submitted all coursework), or if you have already been in contact with the School regarding the reasons for receiving the C7. Early, or frontline, resolution should be explored as soon as possible and certainly no later than 10 working days after receiving the C7. This should be done by completing the C7 Appeal Form and handing it in to the School Admin Office (via email to
    • If early, or frontline, resolution does not resolve the matter, and/or you wish to appeal the C7 formally you should follow the next phase of the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals. To submit a formal appeal you are asked to complete the University's appeal form and return it to, no later than 5 working days after attempting to resolve the matter informally, as detailed above.
Business School

If you have received a C6, please complete the C6 form and email it to the relevant School Admin Team as follows, according to the discipline of the course::




Management / International Business: 

Real Estate:

Failure to submit the form will result in a C7, which is a removal of the student's class certificate

Implications of a C7 are:

  • Ineligibility for completing assessments including any resits and loss of right to attend or receive supervision for this course(s)
  • If there are extenuating circumstances that are impacting on your studies or engagement it is important to let the University know so that appropriate support can be provided.  You may also wish to speak to Student Support, your UG Personal Tutor or your PGT Programme Coordinator.

C7 – Refusal of Class Certificate

To attempt to resolve a C7, you should follow the steps outlined in the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, as summarised below.

  •  The first step is to consider early, or frontline, resolution. You might want to explore this if you think you have received a C7 by mistake (for example, you have had no gaps in your attendance and have submitted all coursework), or if you have already been in contact with the School regarding the reasons for receiving the C7. Early, or frontline, resolution should be explored as soon as possible and certainly no later than 10 working days after receiving the C7. This should be done by following the C6 procedure above in the first instance.
  • If early, or frontline, resolution does not resolve the matter, and/or you wish to appeal the C7 formally you should follow the next phase of the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals. To submit a formal appeal you are asked to complete the University's appeal form and return it to, no later than 5 working days after attempting to resolve the matter informally, as detailed above.

C6 Procedure that students on Qatar courses should follow:

Student receives an e-mail from student monitoring asking the student to contact the School and complete this C6 Form.

The student must complete this form and discuss their absence with the Course Co-ordinator (not their Personal Tutor). If the Course Coordinator is happy to reinstate the student, they should then sign the form electronically or provide email confirmation and return it to the School Office using the relevant discipline email address as listed below.

Qatar Campus E-mails:

Students must discuss with their course coordinator and allow sufficient time before the deadline date given in the warning e-mail for the course coordinator to consider the request.

Failure to submit the form will result in a C7, which is a removal of the student’s class certificate.

Implications of a C7 are:

Ineligibility for completing assessments including any resits and loss of right to attend or receive supervision for this course(s)

If there are extenuating circumstances that are impacting on your studies or engagement it is important to let the University know so that appropriate support can be provided.  You may also wish to speak to your UG Personal Tutor or your PGT Programme Coordinator or speak to the Student Hub at

C7 - Refusal of Class Certificate

To attempt to resolve a C7, you should follow the steps outlined in the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, as summarised below.

  • The first step is to consider early, or frontline, resolution. You might want to explore this if you think you have received a C7 by mistake (for example, you have had no gaps in your attendance and have submitted all coursework), or if you have already been in contact with the School regarding the reasons for receiving the C7. Early, or frontline, resolution should be explored as soon as possible and certainly no later than 10 working days after receiving the C7. This should be done by following the C6 procedure above in the first instance.
  • If early, or frontline, resolution does not resolve the matter, and/or you wish to appeal the C7 formally you should follow the next phase of the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals. To submit a formal appeal you are asked to complete the University's appeal form and return it to, no later than 5 working days after attempting to resolve the matter informally, as detailed above.
Divinity, History, Philosophy & Art History

Student issued with A C6

  • Student receives an e-mail from student monitoring asking the student to contact the School and complete this C6 Form.
  • The student must complete this form and return it to the School using
  • The form must be submitted before the deadline date given in the e-mail.
  • If a student might be delayed in submitting the form to the School, the student should notify with reasons of why it is delayed and an indication to when it might be submitted.
  • Failure to submit the form will result in a C7, which is a removal of the student’s class certificate.

Implications of a C7 are:

  • Exam ineligibility and resit ineligibility.
  • Course failure.
  • Where more than one C7 is issued, possible termination of studies.. 

C7 – Refusal of Class Certificate

To attempt to resolve a C7, you should follow the steps outlined in the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, as summarised below.

  •  The first step is to consider early, or frontline, resolution. You might want to explore this if you think you have received a C7 by mistake (for example, you have had no gaps in your attendance and have submitted all coursework), or if you have already been in contact with the School regarding the reasons for receiving the C7. Early, or frontline, resolution should be explored as soon as possible and certainly no later than 10 working days after receiving the C7. This should be done by contacting the School on .
  • If early, or frontline, resolution does not resolve the matter, and/or you wish to appeal the C7 formally you should follow the next phase of the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals. To submit a formal appeal you are asked to complete the University's appeal form and return it to, no later than 5 working days after attempting to resolve the matter informally, as detailed above.

C6 - Unauthorised Withdrawal

Students who have been given a C6 for a course must respond to the email sent by Monitoring in one of two ways:

  • If you are no longer attending the course you have been given a C6 for then you must make contact via email with the Programme Director to formally withdraw from the course.  The Programme Directors’ contact details are available in the Programme Handbook..
  • If you do wish to continue with the course in question then please complete the C6 Form and and e-mail it directly to the relevant Programme Secretary (contact details available in the Programme Handbook), stating clearly the course and programme to which it refers.

C7 - Refusal of Class Certificate

To attempt to resolve a C7, you should follow the steps outlined in the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, as summarised below.

  •  The first step is to consider early, or frontline, resolution. You might want to explore this if you think you have received a C7 by mistake (for example, you have had no gaps in your attendance and have submitted all coursework), or if you have already been in contact with the School regarding the reasons for receiving the C7. Early, or frontline, resolution should be explored as soon as possible and certainly no later than 10 working days after receiving the C7. This should be done by contacting your Programme Director, whose contact details can be found in the Programme Handbook.
  • If early, or frontline, resolution does not resolve the matter, and/or you wish to appeal the C7 formally you should follow the next phase of the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals. To submit a formal appeal you are asked to complete the University's appeal form and return it to, no later than 5 working days after attempting to resolve the matter informally, as detailed above.

If you have received a C6, please complete the C6 Form and email it to the relevant School Admin Assistant as follows: 

C7 - Refusal of Class Certificate

To attempt to resolve a C7, you should follow the steps outlined in the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, as summarised below.

  • The first step is to consider early, or frontline, resolution. You might want to explore this if you think you have received a C7 by mistake (for example, you have had no gaps in your attendance and have submitted all coursework), or if you have already been in contact with the School regarding the reasons for receiving the C7. Early, or frontline, resolution should be explored as soon as possible and certainly no later than 10 working days after receiving the C7. This should be done by contacting the School Office using the email addresses above in the first instance.
  • If early, or frontline, resolution does not resolve the matter, and/or you wish to appeal the C7 formally you should follow the next phase of the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals. To submit a formal appeal you are asked to complete the University's appeal form and return it to, no later than 5 working days after attempting to resolve the matter informally, as detailed above.

Students with a C6 should complete a C6 Form giving the reason why they should be reinstated on the course. The C6 forms should be emailed to the Course Coordinator to sign first using the email address in the course handbook and then submitted to the School Office by emailing one of the following addresses:

C7 - Refusal of Class Certificate

To attempt to resolve a C7, you should follow the steps outlined in the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, as summarised below. 


  • The first step is to consider early, or frontline, resolution. You should follow the same steps as for C6 (i.e. complete the form and submit it).
Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture

In response to the monitoring e-mail sent to you from Monitoring, please e-mail the C6 Form to the School at

C7 - Refusal of Class Certificate

To attempt to resolve a C7, you should follow the steps outlined in the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, as summarised below. 

  • The first step is to consider early, or frontline, resolution. You might want to explore this if you think you have received a C7 by mistake (for example, you have had no gaps in your attendance and have submitted all coursework), or if you have already been in contact with the School regarding the reasons for receiving the C7. Early, or frontline, resolution should be explored as soon as possible and certainly no later than 10 working days after receiving the C7. This should be done by contacting in the first instance.

If you have received a C6, please contact the appropriate email address below:

C7 - Refusal of Class Certificate

To attempt to resolve a C7, you should follow the steps outlined in the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, as summarised below. 

  • The first step is to consider early, or frontline, resolution. You might want to explore this if you think you have received a C7 by mistake (for example, you have had no gaps in your attendance and have submitted all coursework), or if you have already been in contact with the School regarding the reasons for receiving the C7. Early, or frontline, resolution should be explored as soon as possible and certainly no later than 10 working days after receiving the C7. This should be done by contacting the School Office using the email addresses above in the first instance.
  • If early, or frontline, resolution does not resolve the matter, and/or you wish to appeal the C7 formally you should follow the next phase of the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals. To submit a formal appeal you are asked to complete the University's appeal form and return it to, no later than 5 working days after attempting to resolve the matter informally, as detailed above.
Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition

C6 - Unauthorised Withdrawal

Students who have been given a C6 for a course must respond to the e-mail sent from Monitoring in one of two ways:

If you wish to continue with the course in question then please complete the C6 Form and return it to the appropriate School Office:

If you are no longer attending the course you have been given a C6 for then you must contact your Registry Officer via email (usually or to formally withdraw from the course.  

If you are studying Medicine, Physician Associate Studies or Dentistry please arrange to speak to your Year Lead or the Lead for Student Support before withdrawing.  

C7 - Refusal of Class Certificate

To attempt to resolve a C7, you should follow the steps outlined in the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, as summarised below. 

  • The first step is to consider early, or frontline, resolution. You might want to explore this if you think you have received a C7 by mistake (for example, you have had no gaps in your attendance and have submitted all coursework), or if you have already been in contact with the School regarding the reasons for receiving the C7. Early, or frontline, resolution should be explored as soon as possible and certainly no later than 10 working days after receiving the C7. This should be done contacting the School using the email addresses above in the first instance.
  • If early, or frontline, resolution does not resolve the matter, and/or you wish to appeal the C7 formally you should follow the next phase of the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals. To submit a formal appeal you are asked to complete the University's appeal form and return it to, no later than 5 working days after attempting to resolve the matter informally, as detailed above.
Natural & Computing Science

Students with a C6 should email with ID number, the course code and reason why you should be reinstated on the course. The information will be passed to the Course Coordinator who will decide whether you will be reinstated.

C7 - Refusal of Class Certificate

To attempt to resolve a C7, you should follow the steps outlined in the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, as summarised below. 

  • The first step is to consider early, or frontline, resolution. You might want to explore this if you think you have received a C7 by mistake (for example, you have had no gaps in your attendance and have submitted all coursework), or if you have already been in contact with the School regarding the reasons for receiving the C7. Early, or frontline, resolution should be explored as soon as possible and certainly no later than 10 working days after receiving the C7. This should be done by emailing in the first instance.
  • If early, or frontline, resolution does not resolve the matter, and/or you wish to appeal the C7 formally you should follow the next phase of the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals. To submit a formal appeal you are asked to complete the University's appeal form and return it to, no later than 5 working days after attempting to resolve the matter informally, as detailed above.

Students Issued with a C6 

If you have received a C6, please email the relevant School Admin Assistant as follows to discuss your options: 

Postgraduate students should email

C7 - Refusal of Class Certificate

 To attempt to resolve a C7, you should follow the steps outlined in the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, as summarised below. 

  • The first step is to consider early, or frontline, resolution. You might want to explore this if you think you have received a C7 by mistake (for example, you have had no gaps in your attendance and have submitted all coursework), or if you have already been in contact with the School regarding the reasons for receiving the C7. Early, or frontline, resolution should be explored as soon as possible and certainly no later than 10 working days after receiving the C7. This should be done by contacting the School Office using the email addresses above in the first instance.
  • If early, or frontline, resolution does not resolve the matter, and/or you wish to appeal the C7 formally you should follow the next phase of the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals. To submit a formal appeal you are asked to complete the University's appeal form and return it to, no later than 5 working days after attempting to resolve the matter informally, as detailed above.
Social Science

C6 - Unauthorised Withdrawal

Students who have been given a C6 for the course must respond to the e-mail sent from Monitoring in one of two ways:

C7 - Refusal of Class Certificate

To attempt to resolve a C7, you should follow the steps outlined in the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, as summarised below. 

  • The first step is to consider early, or frontline, resolution. You might want to explore this if you think you have received a C7 by mistake (for example, you have had no gaps in your attendance and have submitted all coursework), or if you have already been in contact with the School regarding the reasons for receiving the C7. Early, or frontline, resolution should be explored as soon as possible and certainly no later than 10 working days after receiving the C7. This should be done by emailing in the first instance.
Monitoring FAQs

Below is a list of frequently asked questions about the monitoring process, which you may find helpful.

Why does the University monitor students' engagement with and performance on courses?

There are a number of reasons for this.

Engaging fully with your studies is important so that you can achieve your full academic potential and graduate with the best possible degree. Failure to submit coursework/interact may be an indication that you are struggling or are experiencing personal problems. Unless the University knows you are experiencing difficulties it is hard to take these into account or to provide appropriate support for you.

The main aim of monitoring is to help identify at an early stage any student who may be experiencing difficulties with their studies by encouraging students to keep Course Coordinators/Programme Coordinators/Supervisors informed about any problems or concerns they may have.

Students with a number of C7s may in fact no longer be engaged in their studies at the University but have chosen not to complete a Withdrawal from Study form or have forgotten to do so.

Students are liable for the payment of their tuition fees up to the date on which a completed withdrawal form is received by the Registry (ie not in your School). It is in your best interests to ensure that you complete a withdrawal form at the point that you take the decision to withdraw. By doing this you will ensure that you do not get charged tuition fees for a period when you were not actually in study. Further information about withdrawing from study is available on the Changes to Studies page.

The University is required to report to the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) and Student Finance any student who is no longer in attendance at the University. The University is also legally required to inform the UKVI of any international students holding a Tier 4 visa who appear to be no longer in attendance.

If you have a C7 on your record and it looks from your whole profile that you are no longer engaged in your studies, the University may take action to force withdraw you from your studies.

I have been sent an email telling me that I am at risk and a C6 is showing on my student record in my Student Hub. What does this mean and what must I do?

This means that your Course Coordinator or Tutor is concerned because you have been absent from classes or have not submitted a piece of coursework or have not signed in as required by your School and have not given any explanation for this.

This is referred to as being "at risk" and a C6 will now show against a course(s) on your student record in your Student Hub. This means that, unless you take action, you will lose the right to engage with classes, take exams or assessments for the course.

In order to attempt to resolve this issue you must contact the relevant School by the action date given at the bottom of the email. Instructions on how to do this are available on the Which School? page. (You should not contact your Course Coordinator directly unless the instructions tell you to do this.) You should continue to engage with classes, submit coursework and revise for any exams you may have.

I am a postgraduate student. How do I make an appointment to meet with my Programme Coordinator/Supervisor?

You can make an appointment with your Programme Coordinator/Supervisor by contacting them direct or by contacting the School Office on the email addresses listed above in the “Removing a C6 or C7 from your student record” tab.

I am a postgraduate student. I have received one or more C7s and have been told that I should meet with my Programme Coordinator or Supervisor. Why is this?

As you have one or more C7s (withdrawal of Class Certificate) on your record this is an indication that your studies are not progressing as well as they should and it is likely you will have difficulties in completing your degree programme on schedule. You may therefore benefit from the academic advice which your Programme Coordinator or Supervisor can give you. The focus of this meeting will be supportive and your Programme Coordinator or Supervisor will be able to refer you on to other support services within the University if this is felt to be appropriate.

If you are not engaging in your studies after investigation, we will assume that you no longer wish to continue at the University and will discontinue your studies. You will be notified of this in writing both by email and letter. If appropriate your funding body and the UKVI will be notified that you are no longer a student at the University.

How do I know which School to contact?

You can find out which School to contact by looking at the Which School? tab.

I think I have received a C6 in error. What must I do?

In order to attempt to resolve this issue you MUST contact the relevant School by the action date given at the bottom of the email. Instructions on how to do this are available on the How do things work in my School? tab. (You should not contact your Course Coordinator direct unless the instructions tell you to do this.) You should continue to engage with classes, submit coursework and revise for any exams you may have.

I have received a C6 and have contacted the School. What happens next?

If you have taken action in time, the School will consider the explanation you have given and will decide whether the C6 can be overturned.

If the C6 is overturned, the School will amend your student record to show that you are no longer 'at risk' of losing the right to attend, take exams or assessment(s) for the course. If this is the case a C4 will now appear on your record (see your Student Hub) against the course.

If the C6 is not overturned OR you fail to take action in time, you will lose the right to attend, take exams or assessment(s) for the course and you will no longer have access to course materials on MyAberdeen. This is referred to as withdrawal or refusal of a Class Certificate and a C7 will now appear on your record (see your Student Hub) against the course concerned. You will receive an email informing you that you no longer have a Class Certificate for the course. This is a serious situation which may have implications for your studies.

I have received a C6 and have contacted the School by the action date but I have now received an email informing me that I have lost the right to attend the course. Why is this?

If you have responded to the C6 email and contacted the School on the Which School? page and you then receive this email, this may be because:

  • There has been a time delay in that the School has not yet been able to consider your case. If you think this is the reason, please contact the School again; OR
  • The School has considered your case and has decided not to overturn the C6. If this is the case and you wish to attempt to resolve the issues, please follow the instructions given in the email.
My C6 was overturned but I have now received a further email saying that I have received another C6 or C7. Is this a mistake?

This may not be a mistake as your Course Coordinator or tutor may have continuing concerns about your attendance or performance on the course, or it may be a timing issue ie. that the School has not yet got round to reinstating you and the automatic process for the C7 has kicked in.

You MUST take the same action as you did when you responded to the first C6 you received and contact the relevant School by the action date.

My poor engagement or failure to hand in coursework is due to the fact that I have been ill. What should I do?

Please ensure that you contact the relevant School by the action date given at the bottom of the email. Instructions on how to do this are given on the Which School? page. (You should not contact your Course Coordinator direct unless the instructions tell you to do this.) You should continue to engage with classes, submit coursework and revise for any exams you may have.

Please ensure you have submitted a self-certificate (if your absence was for less than 7 consecutive days) or medical certificate(s) (if your absence was for more than 7 consecutive days). You can submit your medical certificate or self-certificate through MyAberdeen.

You may also wish to refer to the University's Policy and Procedures on Student Absence.

Please note that submitting a self-certificate or medical certificate does not mean that the School will overturn the C6 or C7. The Course Coordinator or Head of School (respectively) must be sure that you have not missed so much work that you will no longer be able to achieve the learning outcomes for the course.

What is a C7?

A C7 means that you have lost the right to attend, receive supervision or take exams or assessments for the course. You also no longer have access to course materials available on MyAberdeen. This is referred to as the withdrawal or refusal of a Class Certificate and a C7 will show on your record in your Student Hub against the relevant courses.

This is a serious situation. Without taking the appropriate steps, you could be jeopardising your studies and, if you have more than one C7* on your record, the University may take action to discontinue your studies. International students holding a Tier 4 visa in this position may be reported to the UKVI.

*For Postgraduate students this would be a single C7 where continued registration related to a course by thesis/dissertation/project.

I have received an email telling me that I no longer have the right to attend a course. What should I do?

If you think you have received a C7 by mistake or you wish to plead your case, please attempt to resolve the matter informally with the relevant School as soon as possible and certainly no later than 10 working days from the date of the email. Instructions on contacting Schools can be found on the Which School? page.

If you wish to appeal the C7 formally you must follow the University's Appeals Procedure. To submit an appeal you MUST complete the University's appeal form and return it to no later than 5 working days from the date of the email.

There is only a short time period within which you can take action so it is important that you do not delay.

Please note that an appeal against the withdrawal of your class certificate (C7) does not mean that the School will overturn the C7. The School must be sure that you have not missed so much work that you will no longer be able to achieve the learning outcomes for the course. This may be the case even though the School is aware of a medical condition/good cause.

I am submitting an appeal against a C7. I would like access to the course materials on MyAberdeen, to engage with classes and submit course work.

Once you have appealed, yes. You should contact the Course Coordinator and ask to be given access to the course materials on MyAberdeen.   If you do not continue attending classes/submitting coursework/take the assessment and your appeal is successful, you may put yourself at a disadvantage and be unable to catch up quickly.   

I am a postgraduate student. My studies at the University have been discontinued. Can I appeal this decision?

Yes. You must follow the University's Appeal Procedure. To submit an appeal you MUST complete the University's appeal form and return it to, no later than 5 working days from the date of the letter/email which you received informing you of this.

What is a Class Certificate?

A Class Certificate is a phrase used by the University to indicate that a student is attending classes and completing coursework. When you are registered for a course you are automatically granted a Class Certificate.

You keep your Class Certificate by engaging in your classes, handing in coursework and interacting or signing in as required. Failure to do these things may result in you losing the right to attend, take exams or assessments for the course and have access to course materials on MyAberdeen. This is referred to as withdrawal or refusal of a Class Certificate. This shows as a C7 against the course(s) on your record in your Student Hub. This is a serious situation which may affect your ability to continue with your studies. This process also applies to research students.

Class Certificates are valid for the academic year in which you are registered for the course and for the following academic year.

The Class Certificate policy is covered in the University's undergraduate and postgraduate General Regulations.

Why have I not received a response from the monitoring email address?

The email address is used only for outgoing correspondence to students when there are concerns regarding their attendance or performance on a course. Emails sent to this account will not be read.

I am an undergraduate student and have received a C6. I no longer wish to take this course. What must I do?

You must contact your Registry Officer via email to ask to be formally withdrawn from the course (this shows as a C9 on your student record). You can also discuss potential implications for your studies with your Registry Officer.

Please note that it is the School that can help you in getting the C6/C7 process resolved and you must contact them as detailed above. For wider support, however, you may find it useful to contact the following support services.