Applying for Readmission

In this section
Applying for Readmission
Undergraduate Students (including PGDE students)

If you wish to return to study at the University you do not apply through UCAS but should apply directly to the University by completing a readmission form. Please ensure that you read the current Readmission policy before completing the form.

Deadlines for application

Readmission applications must be submitted by 15 July for September entry and 15 November for January entry to be guaranteed consideration.  After this date your application may not be considered in time for the start of teaching. 

Any applications received after 15 September or 15 January for September or January entry respectively will not, normally, be considered. 

PGDE students must have had readmission agreed upon withdrawal and are not eligible to apply through this readmission process.

What happens once I have applied?

Once we receive your form, it is sent to the relevant Admissions Selector for consideration, and we will notify you of their decision by email. The length of time it takes to process your application will depend on the time of year it is submitted.

If you receive an offer of readmission, your joining instructions will be sent to you shortly before the start of teaching.

You will be contacted by your School to offer support before your arrival and you should also feel free to engage with your existing contacts. If you have previously been supported by the Disability Team, you are encouraged to contact them as soon as possible.


Postgraduate Taught Students

If you did not complete your taught postgraduate programme and wish to return to your studies, you can apply for readmission. Please submit a readmission form to your Programme Coordinator. Please ensure that you read the current Readmission policy before completing the form.

Deadlines for application

  • 30 June if returning at the beginning of the academic year (September)
  • 31 October if returning for the second semester (January)
  • 31 March if returning for the summer semester

Please note; we cannot guarantee that your application will be considered if you apply late.

What happens once I have applied?

Your Programme Coordinator will consider your application and, if approved, they will send it to the Head of School for final approval. If you receive a readmission offer, we will email you and ask that you confirm within two weeks whether you accept the offer. Please remember to contact your School for the date and time of registration. You can then complete the relevant registration steps.

Postgraduate Research Students

If you did not complete your postgraduate research programme and wish to return to your studies, you can apply for readmission. Please submit a PGR Readmission Form to your Supervisor or School Postgraduate Administrator. Please make sure that you read the current PGR Readmission Policy before completing the form.

What happens once I have applied?

Your Supervisor will consider your application and, if approved, they will send it to the Head of School for approval. The form will then be sent to the Dean for Postgraduate Research for final approval. If you receive a readmission offer, we will email you and ask that you confirm within two weeks whether you accept the offer. You can then complete the relevant registration steps.



International Students

If you are hoping to return to study on a Tier 4 visa your readmission will be conditional on whether the University can sponsor you based on current UK government Visa & Immigration (UKVI) rules.