If you have failed or missed an exam/assessment, including where this is due to medical or extenuating circumstances (Medical Certificate, Good Cause or Self Certificate), you must apply for reassessment. No students are automatically registered for resit exams/reassessments.
- Reassessment Application Deadlines
The deadlines for reassessment applications are available to view on the Exams page under Important Dates and Deadlines.
If you have any queries please email exams@abdn.ac.uk.
- What Can I Apply For?
You can apply to
- resit an exam
- resit an online assessment
- re-submit coursework for assessment
- undertake a repeat placement for a course
Some courses may not allow resits/resubmissions so please check the Catalogue of Courses or check with the School Office if you are unsure.
- How to Apply
- Students who require a reassessment opportunity for a course should apply via the Online Store. The Online Store will open for December 2024 orders on 9th September 2024. It will open for May 2025 orders on 7th January 2025 and Summer Resit orders on 14th January 2025.
- Students who are unable to use the online store for financial or technical reasons should complete the downloadable form and email it to exams@abdn.ac.uk. The Exams Team will invoice you for the fees.
- Students with medical or extenuating circumstances should apply before the Reassessment Application Deadline by downloading the Reassessment Application form and emailing it to exams@abdn.ac.uk
. - The December 2024 Reassessment Application Form is available here to download.
- The May 2025 Reassessment Application Form is available here to download.
- The Summer 2025 Reassessment Application Form is available here to download.
- Students who require a reassessment opportunity for a course should apply via the Online Store. The Online Store will open for December 2024 orders on 9th September 2024. It will open for May 2025 orders on 7th January 2025 and Summer Resit orders on 14th January 2025.
- Current Fees
- £30 per course reassessment (capped at £180 for 6 or more reassessments)
- Applications received after the deadline for applications has passed will be liable for an additional £30 late fee.
All fees are non-refundable.
- Eligibility to Resit
Undergraduate students (with the exception of Level 4) may have up to three attempts to pass a course. Due to requirements set by the Home Office, results recorded as NP - No Paper, SC - Self Certificate, MC - Medical Certificate and GC - Good Cause reasons are counted as attempts. This applies to both Home and Overseas students.
A student requiring a fourth attempt, where they do not have MC - Medical Certificate or GC - Good Cause reasons for a previous attempt must contact Registry and seek academic approval. (Students must also have a valid class certificate (see below) for the course in order to be eligible for reassessment). The student should email undergraduate@abdn.ac.uk to present a case for permission to resit a fourth time. This will be passed to the Convener of Students' Progress Committee (CSPC) for a decision.
A Class Certificate is valid for the year the course is taken and the year immediately following. Students requiring reassessment outwith this timeframe should email undergraduate@abdn.ac.uk to present a case for a class certificate extension to be approved. This will be passed to the Convener of Students' Progress Committee (CSPC) for a decision.
- Self Certificate, Medical Certificate or Good Cause
Students who missed their exam(s), submission deadline(s) or placement(s) for a medical or other reason which has been accepted by their School, must still apply to resit the exam(s), resubmit the assignment(s) or repeat the placement(s) by submitting an Application Form.
No Reassessment Fee will be charged but, where appropriate, a Late Fee may be charged for any application received after the appropriate deadline (see Late Applications section below).
- Resit Arrangements
December and May Diets
- Once you have applied and been registered, your resit exam scheduling will appear on MyTimetable after the exam timetable has been published
- For resubmission of coursework, assignments, online assessments and repeat placements: you should contact the School Office for reassessment details
Summer Diet
- Initially this timetable which will show only the dates and times of the exams will be available for view through the Infohub website after the exam timetable has been published. Once final candidate numbers have been confirmed, exam venues will be added and additionally, over the latter half of June the timetable will also be published on MyTimetable.
- When Can I Resit an Exam?
If you did not attend or pass a first term exam in the December exam diet, you can resit this exam in the Summer resit diet of the same session, or in the December exam diet or Summer Resit diet of the next academic session. You cannot resit the exam in the May diet.
If you did not attend or pass a second term exam in the May exam diet, you can resit this exam in the Summer resit diet of the same session, or the May exam diet or Summer Resit diet of the next academic session. You cannot resit the exam in the December diet.
Students who are considering transferring reassessments/resit exams into the following academic year, rather than the Summer resit diet of the same session should be aware that this can impact on their progression. Students are required to attain a certain level of credits in order to progress to the next level of study.
Please check the Credit Point Calculator if you are in any doubt and if uncertain after that, please contact your Registry Officer for further information.
- Late Applications
Applications received after the deadline may not be accepted. These are subject to School approval which you must seek and obtain.
If there are no students registered for a resit exam by the application deadline Schools are not required to provide an exam. Students who apply late, therefore, are not guaranteed an exam will be scheduled and may find they will have to resit their exam(s) at a future exam diet.
If you have applied late and a clash occurs in your timetable, please speak to your School. If they cannot make alternative arrangements you will need to wait until the next available exam diet. In some cases this may affect your progression to the next academic session.
- Off-campus Exams
Permission is rarely given for examinations to be taken off campus, and only exceptional circumstances are considered. This does not include personal inconvenience or expense. For further information regarding this, please contact us.
All requests must be submitted to exams@abdn.ac.uk by the end of the relevant teaching term or in the case of the Summer reassessment diet by the appropriate Resit Application Deadline.
The fee for an off-campus exam is £50. Full details will be given as your request is processed.
- Who Can I Contact if I Have a Query?
If you have any questions about your reassessments please contact the Central Timetabling Team for advice.
You can contact us by email at exams@abdn.ac.uk.