Dynamic degrees fostering creative and critical thinkers

low angle photography of drop lights

Photo by Skye Studios on Unsplash

Photo by Skye Studios on Unsplash

Across English literature, linguistics and creative writing, University of Aberdeen graduates are utilising the skillsets developed during their degree to make a difference to the world around them through their careers.

Following our first #EnglishCreates campaign feature on graduates who are ‘reading the world and writing the future’, below we have further insights from more graduates who are working across industries as varied as the arts, broadcasting, the Civil Service, education, communications, research and creative writing, explaining how their degree supports their work and life to this day.

“My job mainly comprises research, copywriting and interacting with donors.

Coming out of my degree with such a sound skill set in both data analysis and written/verbal communication has helped immensely, giving me both the confidence and the tools to carry out my work to a high standard.”

Ciorstan Towers, MA Language and Linguistics 2022; Trusts & Funding Officer, Royal Conservatoire Scotland

Ciorstan Towers Ciorstan Towers

Ciorstan Towers

Ciorstan Towers

“My degree developed my critical thinking and reading skills, as well as my ability to analyse and interpret complex texts. It also gave me a deep connection to metaphors and the literary canon, which allows me to make connections across a diverse range of art forms and philosophical concepts.”

Samm Anga, MA English with Music Studies 2020; Sound Artist and Hypnotherapist

Samm Anga

Samm Anga

Samm Anga

Cailean Steed

Cailean Steed

Cailean Steed

"My English degree enabled me to progress to a teaching PDGE and develop a steady teaching career, while also sharpening the tools I needed to develop a writing career alongside that."

Cailean Steed, MA English 2010; author of Home and secondary English teacher

Mairead Morgan

Mairead Morgan

Mairead Morgan

“The topics I studied as part of my English degree have helped me come up with stronger ideas and understand the importance of representing different communities and perspectives.”

Mairead Morgan, MLitt English Language and Literature 2022; Freelance Researcher (BBC)

It will give you a skillset that you probably haven't anticipated. It helps you to be creative, analytical, to problem solve and think outside the box.

Rachel Smillie, MA, MLitt and PhD in English; Head of Academic Partnerships, National Archives and trans-Atlantic rower

Rachel Smillie Rachel Smillie

Rachel Smillie

Rachel Smillie

Lauren Timms

Lauren Timms

Lauren Timms

“The key skills I developed throughout my English degree were my verbal and written communication skills, as well as my proofreading and editing skills which have led to me working as a Senior Editor for a medical communications agency specialising in healthcare and prescription medicines, even though I have no background in science.”

Lauren Tims, MA English 2014

“My courses taught me the importance of research, focus and taking responsibility for my own work. More importantly it taught me that if I wanted to have anything worth writing about I needed to read.

I learnt to think critically about what I consumed and form independent opinions that I could defend if challenged.”

Maud Woolf, MA English Literature and History of Art; Civil Servant and Science Fiction Author

Maud Woolf

Maud Woolf

Maud Woolf

“Since my degrees, I’ve worked in arts learning and engagement across the UK, published and staged multiple creative works, been the National Library of Scotland’s Scots Scriever writer-in-residence, and I’m now back at the University of Aberdeen as a Lecturer in Creative Writing.”

Shane Strachan, MA in English Literature with Language & Linguistics, MLitt and PhD in Creative Writing; creative writer and lecturer

Shane Strachan Shane Strachan

Shane Strachan

Shane Strachan

Run by University English, the #EnglishCreates campaign mission is to champion, defend and expand access to the study of literature, language, and creative writing in English (in all their forms, regionalities and nationalities).

You can find out more about studying English Literature, Linguistics and/or Creative Writing at on the following pages:

· English (Undergraduate, including Minors in Creative Writing)

· Language and Linguistics (Undergraduate)

· English Language and Literature (MLitt)

· English (MLitt or PhD)

· Linguistics (MRes)

· Linguistics (PhD)

· Creative Writing (MLitt)

· Creative Writing (PhD)
