Supporting Student Wellbeing: A Guide for Staff

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Supporting Student Wellbeing: A Guide for Staff

We all have a responsibility to maintain and support our own wellbeing. As members of University staff, we have a duty of care to help support the wellbeing of our students, raising awareness of and helping them to access the support they need during their time at University.

We have compiled a list of some of the things to look out for and some of the more commonly requested wellbeing support for students. A complete overview of support available can be accessed on the website.

If you are concerned that a student is thinking about suicide, the most important thing you can do to help is to ask them. Guidance is avilable here: SAMH Flowchart - How to Ask About Suicide .

Concerns about a Student's Welfare or Safety

Are you worried about a student? You can report any concerns about a student's wellbeing or safety through the Student Concern Form. The form will be sent directly and confidentially to the Student Advice & Support team who will contact the student for a welfare check.

If you have concerns that a student is in immediate danger or at risk of harming themselves or others, phone 999.

Disabilities and Medical Conditions

School and Department Disability Coordinators can be contacted by staff for practical support and advice for students with a disability, impairment, medical or health condition, or a specific learning difference.

FAQs for staff in relation to disability, inclusion, teaching and assessment are available here.

More information about the Student Disability Service visit: Disability Services Webpage

Harassment, Bullying and Sexual Misconduct

The University provides support for to all those who are affected by any form of harassment, bullying, violence, and sexual misconduct; this includes victims as well as those they have disclosed to or those who have witnessed incidents.

For support and to report an incident confidentially visit: Online Reporting Tool

Mental Health

Early Signs Mental Health is Deteriorating

  • Withdrawal or disengaging from class or socially
  • Reduced ability to concentrate in class or confused thinking
  • Change in appearance or portraying less pride in their appearance
  • Changes in behaviour, turning up late to class or not showing up for class at all

This list is not exhaustive and there could be a variety of reasons for these behaviours.

How to Support and Where to Signpost

Talk to them. Let them know you are worried about them. Signpost them to support.

Remember the University has a network of Mental Health First Aiders who can support you to have a conversation about mental wellbeing with a student. You can contact anyone of them, regardless of their school or department for advice, they are all trained to listen, reassure, and respond, when somebody is in a crisis.

Personal Issues and General Support

Students should contact Student Support and Advice for impartial and confidential advice and support on a range of issues, including personal, academic, money matters, mental health, wellbeing, and more.

External support and general advice: