Mental Health

Mental Health

Life can be busy so it's important to protect our mental wellbeing. If you are struggling to sleep, feel low, or are not coping, help and support is available if you need it. It's Okay to Not Be Okay.

The University has several support services for staff, from Counselling Debrief Sessions to our Mental Health First Aider network. They are here to listen and you can find more information about these and other services HERE .

Sometimes you might prefer to talk to or access support from someone outwith your workplace, the services listed below can be useful for that:

External Support Services linked with the University:

  • Care First - the University's Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). 24/7 free, confidential counselling and information service.
  • OHWorks - The Occupational Health Service for the university. A consulation service for staff for advice on health matters, especially when it affects or is related to your job.

External Support Services:

  • BEAT offers free and confidential help via message boards, webchat and telephone for persons struggling with any eating disorder.
  • Breathing Space is a service for people in Scotland which is provided via video chat and helpline. Allows you to talk through your feelings and concerns with mental health professionals.
  • CALM offers a helpline / webchat available all year around for men who are facing difficulty and depressive thoughts.
  • Cruise Bereavement Care is a free national helpline for people seeking someone to listen to them following a loss/bereavement.
  • Penumbra is an Aberdeen Self Harm service providing one-on-one support to people over 16 years old who are struggling with self-harm via self-referral or referral from family/agencies.
  • Samaritans offer a free helpline and self-help app for anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts or are struggling to cope.
  • Shout 85258 is a 24/7 text messaging support service for anybody to text when they may be struggling with anxiety, loneliness or depression through to self-harm or suicidal thoughts. The service is there 24/7 and you will get a reply within 5 minutes of your text. TEXT 85258.

My Possible Self: free app for UoA staff

University staff can access the 'My possible self app' completely free. Download the app to your phone and start tracking your mood, listen to insightful podcasts or practice mindfulness, there are so many great tools! Watch video on what the free app offers: My Possible Self