Representatives & volunteering

In this section
Representatives & volunteering

Group of Aberdeen UCU committee members and department reps holding UCU rising campaign signs

Our members are the branch, so don't miss out on getting involved! We do have more formalised roles within the branch and you can find out who your elected representatives are below.

We also employ a part-time Branch Administrator and Organiser who will often be your first point of contact for enquiries and supporting members with a wide range of campaigns.

Branch Committee

The Committee is elected every year by branch members at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) which usually takes place every May. The Committee leads the branch in bargaining, negotiations and campaigns and postholders can either have a specialist or generalist area of responsibility. Outside of our AGM, members can still volunteer to join the Committee by being co-opted (elected by the Committee) to join.

Academic Year 2023/2024




Rachel Shanks

Vice-Chair (x2)

David Clough

Branch Secretary

David Anderson


Ursula Witte

Branch Organiser


Partnership & Negotiating Consultative Committee
(PNCC) Officer (x2 + 1 for standby cover)

David Anderson
David Clough

Joint Consultative Committee on Redundancy Avoidance
(JCCRA) Officer (x2)

Mike McConnell
Dan Cutts
Frederik Pedersen

Anti‐casualisation officer

Daniel Cutts

Communications Officer


Health, Safety & Wellbeing Officer

Dr Alessandra Cecolin

Environment & Sustainability Officer


Policy Officer

Mike McConnell

Workload Officer

Adam Price

Learning Representative

Elizabeth Elliott

Casework Officer

Rachel Shanks

Pensions Officer

Gerhard Kling

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer

Alysia Reid

Retired Members Officer


Ordinary Member (x5)

Scott Styles
Aideen O'Leary
Rachel Smith

Co-opted Member (x3)

Helen Martin

Branch Delegates

Adam Price
Helen Martin
Ursula Witte
Frederik Pedersen
Department Reps

Some members prefer to get involved as a Departmental Representatives or "Dep Reps" and these are your usual first point of contact if there are any local issues, to receive information and for member meetings in departments. Members join and leave the University and so we don't always have coverage in every department - let us know if you'd like to volunteer in your department.

Through the network of UCU Contacts, we aim to stay in touch with membership concerns and deal with issues that are occurring at local as well as an organisational level.

Professional Services and Academic Related

  • Mr James Wright , Admissions Office, University Office
  • Mr Christopher Berry, Estates & Residential Services
  • Mr Andrew MacGregor , Digital & Information Services, Library
  • Lauren Hossack , Digital & Information Services, Library
  • Vacancy, Careers Service, Students' Union Building
  • Vacancy, Sport & Exercise Team, Aberdeen Sports Village
  • Vacancy, Campus Services
  • Isabella Fausti , Centre for Academic Development, College Bounds

Biological Sciences

Business School

  • Vacancy, Business School, Edward Wright Building
  • Vacancy, Busines Schoool, Macrobert Building

Divinity, History & Philosophy




Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture


  • Vacancy, Law, Taylor Building

Natural & Computing Science

Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition


Social Sciences

Safety Reps

Sometimes referred to as Safety Reps, these are specialist roles with protected rights to inspect the workplace, review and consult health and safety matters and investigate safety incidents.

Group or groups of employees

Safety representative

School - Business School

Cheryl Dowie

School - Divinity, History and Philosophy

Frederik Pedersen

School - Education

Helen Martin

School - Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture

Syrithe Pugh

School - Law

Scott Styles

School - Social Science

David Anderson

School - Biological Sciences

Adam Price

School - Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition


School - Psychology


School - Engineering


School - Geosciences

David Cornwell

School - Natural and Computing Sciences


Professional Services - Estates & Facilities


Professional Services - Library


Professional Services/Other


Volunteer & get involved

Ways to get invovled

We've outlined key areas for you to consider and you can choose how much or how little you want to do. However you want to volunteer, rest assured that you will get free training, advice and support. Email us if you have any questions or to let us know how you'd like to be active. Generally we encourage all members to:

  • Attend general meetings
  • Hand out UCU recruitment material to new staff members
  • Help at recruitment stalls and induction events
  • Contribute to campaigns
  • Put up posters

If you volunteer as a Rep:

  • You're entitled by law to reasonable paid time to carry out union duties.
  • Members in your area of work will see you as an active member, leader in the branch and well regarded part of the university community.

Members can become reps in the following areas:

  • Departmental Reps
  • Caseworker
  • Safety Rep
  • Committee

Training and resources

UCU Scotland training
UCU Developing Activists Network
UCU jargon buster