Room Booking

In this section
Room Booking

The University has a large number of bookable rooms including

  • lecture theatres,
  • teaching classrooms and
  • meeting rooms for staff.

Browse the online Room Catalogue to view 360° images of our rooms and discover the technology they feature.


Teaching and Meeting Rooms

Teaching Rooms

The Central Timetabling Team are responsible for booking rooms from the Central Teaching Pool above.

You can request a room via the online form. Queries should be sent to

Students wishing to book space for dissertation/project work should approach a supervising member of academic or administrative staff to approve and submit the request on their behalf.


Old Aberdeen Meeting Rooms

Staff Meeting Rooms

Members of staff can schedule (book) meetings rooms for University business using Outlook or Outlook Web App (OWA).

We've produced fact sheets for meeting organisers, outlining the simple steps on how to schedule a meeting and book a room:


Is the room free for you to book?

You must check a meeting room's availability (using Outlook Scheduling Assistant) before submitting your meeting request. Availability is indicated by coloured blocks on the calendar; if the room is 'Free', there will be no colour block. Some room requests can only be actioned during working hours.

Is your meeting an 'All day event'?

When you make your meeting an 'All day event', Outlook's default behaviour is to automatically change the status of the meeting from 'Busy' to 'Free'. In order to prevent other meeting organisers booking the room, you must manually change the status to 'Busy'.


Now also available...

  • University Office: Court Room, Committee Room 2 and the Video Conference Suite
  • MacRobert meeting rooms: Rooms 509, 609
Foresterhill Meeting Rooms

Staff Meeting Rooms

Members of staff can schedule (book) meetings rooms for University business using Outlook or Outlook Web App (OWA).

We've produced fact sheets for meeting organisers, outlining the simple steps on how to Schedule a meeting and book a room:


Is the room free for you to book?

You must check a meeting room's availability (using Outlook Scheduling Assistant) before submitting your meeting request. Availability is indicated by coloured blocks on the calendar; if the room is 'Free', there will be no colour block. Some room requests can only be actioned during working hours.

Is your meeting an 'All day event'?

When you make your meeting an 'All day event', Outlook's default behaviour is to automatically change the status of the meeting from 'Busy' to 'Free'. In order to prevent other meeting organisers booking the room, you must manually change the status to 'Busy'.

Suttie Centre

The Suttie Centre and MacGillivray rooms are bookable online. Please send enquiries to

Conference and Events

Conference and Events in Campus Services manage the following rooms:

Sir Duncan Rice Library

Library Meeting Rooms

From 22 May 2017 staff will no longer be able to book meeting rooms in The Sir Duncan Rice Library via Outlook.

All enquiries regarding booking of rooms in the Library should be directed to

For more information regarding booking rooms go to Sir Duncan Rice Library page.

Inverurie Hub - Bookable Hot Desk Office Spaces

9 bookable hot desk office spaces are now available for staff use at the Inverurie Hub.

We will be trialling an initial pilot of the space with DDIS staff, in advance of making the spaces available to all staff.

Further information and booking can be found at (access currently restricted to DDIS staff only).