Reward Consultation and Negotiation Group

In this section
Reward Consultation and Negotiation Group

Here you will find information about the work being undertaken by the Reward Consultation and Negotiation Group. There is also information about how you can raise any queries and/or provide feedback.


The University of Aberdeen participates in national, multi-employer negotiations and dialogue on pay and reward related matters. This is through the New Joint Committee for Higher Education Staff (New JNCHES) where the University and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) represents employers. You can find out more information about this at New JNCHES - Overview ( .

The national negotiations include the annual pay award as well as dialogue on key reward matters such as pay gaps, pay scales and employment contract types.

The Reward Consultation and Negotiation Group has been formed to progress key reward activity at a local, University, level. The Group comprises management and trade union representatives and reports into the agreed approval structure for the University (Senior Management Team and the Partnership and Negotiating Consultative Committee - PNCC).

The Group is currently taking forward local consultation and negotiation relating to the key reward areas detailed below. Click on each section (on the left hand side) to find out more information.

  • Harmonisation of terms and conditions of employment.
  • 35-hour working week.
  • Pay Scale - including consideration of the impact of the Accredited Living Wage.
  • Actions relating to the Gender Pay Gap and Equal Pay Audit.
  • Reward pertaining to employment contractual arrangements including Guaranteed Minimum Hours contracts and Temporary Services.
  • Review of Regrading Policy and Procedure and Career Progression for Professional Services staff.