Everyone on the DFN Project SEARCH University of Aberdeen team is committed to keeping our Interns, on-site team and visitors safe when they are in our classroom. The information below describes what we do in the classroom to make sure everyone is safe and knows how to avoid risks to themselves and others.
One of the University of Aberdeen's Health & Safety Advisors visits the classroom as part of the induction week to train us on health & safety issues and tell us how the University expects us to behave safely while we are on campus. Issues covered in the training include:
- Fire safety;
- Trip hazards;
- Electrical safety;
- Moving objects safely.
During the Project SEARCH year, we will also be trained in:
- First Aid;
- Manual Handling;
- Food Hygiene.
- First Aid
Members of our on-site team have attended a First Aid training course delivered by North East Scotland College.
There is a First Aid kit in the classroom and in an emergency, help is available from the Security team (extension 3939).
There are defibrillators available across the University of Aberdeen's campus. The nearest ones to our classroom are:
- King's Pavillion
- Hallway between Elphinstone Hall and the Linklater Rooms
- Fire Safety
The classroom is regularly inspected by the University of Aberdeen's Health & Safety team to make sure that we are operating in line with the law and the University's fire regulations.
During our Health & Safety induction training, the University's Health & Safety Adviser tells us about fire safety law and what the University expects us to do to avoid fires starting. They also tell us what we should do if a fire breaks out in the classroom or the building we are in at the time.
The Fire Evacuation Procedures for the classroom are posted on our wall and there are regular fire alarm practices for everyone in the Butchart Building. This means that we all know how to escape safely if there is a fire and where we should gather safely when we get out of the building.
If the fire alarm sounds, we have to leave the building we are in by the nearest exit, following the green fire exit signs. We need to go to the Fire Assembly point for our building and report to the Fire Marshal (wearing a high viz jacket). If we are in the classroom, this is outside the building in the car park. If we are on an internship, our supervisor will tell us where we need to go.
We have an EvacChair so that we can help anyone who has restricted mobility to escape from the classroom if there is a fire. The University's Health & Safety team provide training to members of staff so that they know how to use it.
Further information on the University's Fire Safety Policy and fire reporting procedures are available online.
- Covid-19
In the Classroom
During the Covid-19 pandemic, we are doing everything we can to keep our Interns, staff and visitors to our classroom safe. Before we were allowed to use our classroom, we had to tell the University of Aberdeen's Campus Planning Group what safety measures we would put in place to keep everyone safe. The University's Space Manager and Health & Safety team helped us in doing this by looking at the space available in the classroom and advising us on how to lay out the furniture and how many people are allowed to be in the space at one time (maximum 16). They also told us which corridors we are allowed to use in the Butchart Building so that we meet as few other people as possible.
We have ID badges which allow us to enter the front door of the Butchart Building. This means that our building is kept secure as the only people who can enter are those who are allowed to be in it. Other visitors have to wait until whoever they are visiting lets them in.
To get to the classroom, we have to use the main corridor and go up the flight of stairs which will take us to the classroom on the first floor. We are not allowed to use any other corridors or go into other rooms within the building.
All visitors to the classroom have to give us their contact details by using the 'sign-in sheet' which means that we can keep a record of everyone who visits us for Test & Protect purposes.
We are not allowed to eat at our computer desks. However, we can eat and drink at our individual desks when we are on our break times.
Lateral Flow Testing
We understand that we all have a role to play in helping to keep each other safe and that Lateral Flow Testing is an important part of that. We have been asked to undertake Lateral Flow Testing every day before we come to class.
We regularly discuss Lateral Flow Testing in class and there is support available for us from the on-site team if we have any problems or are worried about it in any way.
If Someone We Live with Tests Positive
If someone we live with tests positive for Covid-19, we will follow this procedure to keep everyone safe:
- We will take a PCR test
- Regardless of the test result, we will remain at home
- If our internship can be completed remotely, we will work on the placement from home
- If our internship cannot be completed remotely, we will be given work-related tasks to complete by the on-site team at home (a simulated internship);
- Our curriculum work will be completed online from home;
- We will remain at home for 10 days from the date the person we live with tested positive.
We know that this procedure goes over and above what is required by Scottish Government guidelines. However, Project SEARCH involves people from different organisations and we have to be mindful of their needs. Also, Project SEARCH Interns spend longer in the classroom each day than other full-time programmes run by North East Scotland College so we need to make sure we take all the steps we can to reduce transmission of the virus.
Further information about what the University of Aberdeen is doing to keep everyone safe on its campus is available online here.
The University's Covid-19 Campus Guidelines describe how the University expects everyone to behave while on campus and provides links to current national guidance and local requirements to support the fight against Covid-19. The key points from these Guidelines that we need to remember at all times are:
Before Travelling to Campus
- Do not come to the classroom if you have any symptoms of Covid-19 (high temperature/fever, new/continuous cough or a loss/change in taste or smell);
- If you have symptoms, self-isolate and book a PCR test;
- Only attend Project SEARCH if you have no symptoms;
- If you are in the classroom and start to feel unwell, tell a member of staff straight away - you will be asked to go home immediately, self-isolate and book a PCR test in line with national guidance. You must not return to the classroom until you have had a negative PCR test;
- We strongly encourage all Interns, staff and visitors to the classroom to take two lateral flow tests per week;
- Always bring your face covering with you (unless you are exempt) as you will need to use it on campus.
Moving Around Campus/Physical Distancing
- Wear your face covering (unless you are exempt) before you enter any building on campus and while you are moving around;
- Where your face covering where signs ask you to (unless you are exempt);
- Wear your face covering in the classroom at all times;
- Members of staff are allowed to remove face coverings once all students are seated and where 1 metre distancing can happen
- Everyone has the right to wear a face covering at all times if they want to;
- Look out for signage across campus and in each building and follow what they tell you to do at all times;
- Do not re-arrange furniture in any rooms;
- Remember that everyone has different levels of comfort in engaging with others on campus - we need to respect people who want to keep a distance from others and don't be scared to politely tell people what you feel comfortable with.
Hygiene and Cleaning
- Wash your hands regularly, with soap and water, for a minimum of 20 seconds - this is especially important before putting on your face covering, eating, drinking, smoking or vaping;
- Remember to avoid touching your face;
- Use the hand sanitiser which is in the classroom and in other University buildings;
- Use the cleaning materials/wipes which are in the classroom and other buildings to clean down areas you will be touching when you enter a room e.g. desks and chairs;
- Clean shared equipment before and after you use it;
- Don't share personal items or face coverings with anyone.
Other Issues
- We will keep the windows open in the classroom so there is lots of fresh air;
- We will flush toilets with lids closed to minimise the release of droplets into the air;
- We will sign into buildings or use the NHS Test & Protect app if asked to do so.
Further Information
Further information about the University of Aberdeen's Health & Safety policies and procedures are available here. This information describes the roles and responsibilities that support the University's commitment to health, safety and wellbeing of those who work, study or visit the University.