
In this section

The Procurement Team provides professional help and advice on all aspects of buying goods or services for the University.

If your expected spend is likely to be £50K or over you must contact Procurement; Procurement Office .

Procurement advises on how to achieve overall value for money; assists with questions on best practice; provides guidance on major projects, and is responsible for ensuring that all University Schools and Directorates comply with Public Procurement legislation and the University Procurement Policy.

We are a subsection of the Finance Directorate and report to the Chief Financial Officer

  • High Volume, High Value Contracts can be found here
  • Estates Frameworks that the University has access to can be found here This is for information only, please contact Procurement if you wish to use them.
  • Laboratory Frameworks the University has access to can be found here This is for information only, please contact Procurement if you wish to use them.
  • The Annual Procurement Report can be found here
  • The University's External Contracts Register can be found here - Institution | APUC (


These pages are updated regulary. If you cannot find what you are looking for, then please contact the Procurement Office

Our Team

Helane Gannicliffe - Head of Procurement

Helane heads the section and manages the work of the team. She sets procurement strategy and operational planning. Provides advice on all procurement matters particularly on high value/high risk procurements. Helane approves any requisitions of values greater than £50,000 and reviews any sole supplier transaction over £25,000.

Tel: +44 (0) 1224 27 3521

Demie Hall - Supplier Coordinator

Demie deals with Supplier set ups - from setting them up on the Finance & Procurement system, amending details of existing Suppliers, to carrying out credit checks. She also maintains the supplier information and product catalogues held for the Finance & Procurement system.

Tel: +44 (0) 1224 27 2824

Martin Phillips - Lead Procurement Officer

Martin manages tenders in compliance with current legislation and University Finance and Procurement Regulations. He is responsible for preparing procurement sourcing strategies for each tender exercise he is involved with. Martin advises and guides non-procurement staff on procurement matters and legislative requirements. He participates in and leads user intelligence and commodity group activities and leads on institutional procurement initiatives.

Martin contract manages the central contracts for leased vehicles and lab maintenance and assists with Estates Termed Contracts.

Tel: +44 (0) 1224 27 4057

Aileen Johnston - Procurement Coordinator

Aileen is the first point of contact for queries by telephone, email or post. Amongst other things, she provides admin support to the Procurement Team and routine contract tasks. Aileen maintains the section web pages, the Procurement helpdesk and eInvoicing adoption project. She is also involved with ordering and expediting goods and services using the Finance & Procurement system.

Tel: +44 (0) 1224 27 4467

Forms and Templates
Useful Links


APUC stands for Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges. It acts as the procurement Centre of Expertise for the 62 Universities and Colleges in Scotland. APUC's aim is to maximise the contribution that advanced procurement makes to teaching expertise and research within these establishments.

Scottish Government Procurement Journey

This set of procedures is subject to change from time-to-time, so a link to the Scottish Government Portal is provided here

Electronics Watch

Electronics Watch The University of Aberdeen became a founding member of Electronics Watch in 2015, an independent organisation that works to ensure good working conditions in factories providing goods bought by public sector members. We regularly provide reports to them of ICT equipment we buy and where they are produced and Electronics Watch work with civil society organisations in the countries where the factories are located to monitor working conditions.


hepa - Higher Education Procurement Association. HEPA is the network for procurement professionals in the HE sector. It was created as a result of the challenge set out in the Diamond Report to enhance the expertise and capacity of university procurement.