There is one standard specification for Laptop computers - see current Standard laptop specification for details.
All computers to be used for University business should be purchased via DDIS. This ensures that at the end of their life:
- computers are appropriately disposed of
- data on them is securely disposed of
- the University is complying with data protection regulations, particularly GDPR.
Please email the Service Desk - - for guidance before placing an order for a new computer. In your email, you should provide the following information:
- If the new computer is a replacement, please tell us the number - eg MD-051234 - of the existing computer
- Please tell us if the new computer is for a new member of staff/PhD student
- If the new computer is for a new member of staff/PhD student, are they being allocated a desk that already has a computer on it?
- If yes, please supply the number - eg MD-051234 - of the existing computer
The reason we ask you for this information is so that we can determine whether or not your new computer is to be funded by the University's Technology Renewal Program (TRP) . If it is, there will be no cost for a standard device. If you require additional specification on your device, there will be an additional cost.
Setting up
Once you have submitted a purchase order for your new computer, we will install University standard software portfolio, including MS Office, email and calendaring, drivers for multi functional devices/printers, and anti-virus software. The software provided is the same across all departments and services. See University standard software installations for details.
Our team will then contact you to discuss any additional software and hardware requirements you may have and to arrange a suitable time for delivery and installation of your new computer. We will deliver it to your office on the agreed date, and unpack, connect and test it for you.
If your existing computer needs to be rebuilt - eg to reinstall or upgrade your operating system, or version of MS Office - please email the Service Desk - .
Computer Replacement and Disposal
All main computers are usually replaced at the end of the machine's warranty period - for guidance, see Technology Renewal Program (TRP) . We will contact you when your computer is due to be replaced. We will uplift your old computer, remove files and arrange for disposal.