IT Accounts & Account Security

IT Accounts & Account Security

We are currently reviewing our IT Account Provision with a view to refining and standardising the process.
In order to comply with IT security and licence changes, IT Services will complete an audit of IT accounts, initially Project Accounts followed by other secondary accounts (supplier/guest).
We will be contacting owners, and the email will come from “IT Accounts Audit” ( We will seek to remove accounts no longer required and move others to conform with the new security/licence requirements.
The information and guidance on this page is therefore subject to change. Information is correct at time of last update: October 2023.

All account types are subject to the University's User responsibilities. For other policies governing the use of IT facilities at the University of Aberdeen, visit Policy Zone .

Your Personal IT Account

In order to access University  IT facilities (e.g. email and calendaring, personal and departmental filespace, printing, remote access, wireless services, management information systems, etc.) and full-text Library content such as online books, journals and databases, staff must have a personal IT account with an associated username (User ID) and password.

New members of staff are allocated a personal IT account, with a username and temporary password, at the start of their employment with the University.

Your IT account has a default allocation of personal filespace on the University network. This filespace is accessible via Computer or Windows Explorer. It appears as drive H:\ on any networked computer.

Note: Your email account is deactivated the day after you leave the University and you will no longer have access to it. Make sure you check your mailbox in good time before you leave for any items you want to keep - contact the Service Desk for advice on archiving.

For information about Honorary status, please visit Human Resources web page

Additional IT Accounts

Additional IT accounts will only be provisioned following the successful application for one of the designated account types listed below.