Online Form |
Fill in the online application form to receive confirmation of your cover and how to use the insurance if needed. The current Travel insurance year is from 1st August 2024 to 31st July 2025, if your trip begins after 31st July 2025 please do not apply for your insurance until after 30th June 2025.
Please use Chrome, Edge or Firefox to access the form below, there are issues with Safari that won't allow you to submit the application form.
If you do not have a University login, please email for advice
Eligibility |
Persons who can be insured are:
- All employees of the University and their spouse or partner - please email the insurance team to arrange cover for spouse/partner.
- Students of the University
- Any other person travelling under the auspices and on behalf of the University
Travel insurance applies only for journeys in connection with University business.
- This includes conferences, field trips, teaching, research, demonstrations at other institutions, and language/exchange students on their year abroad
- The cover applies to journeys anywhere in the world, but excluding countries which the Foreign Office have advised against. There is a 'reasonable care' condition within the policy. The Foreign Office website should be consulted for current government advice on foreign travel.
- For journeys within the UK, cover applies only if there is an overnight stay or a flight in an aircraft
- Cover applies for a maximum 12 months continuous period - any period beyond this has to be referred to the insurers
Guidance Notes |
- First check that your travel is eligible for cover, using the information provided below and in the separate notes relating to field trips and expeditions. If it is, complete an application form, which is submitted on the web to the insurance section.
- When the information has been processed, a cover-note will be issued to each member of a group.
- Students and staff travelling to an EU country are advised to obtain an GHIC (Global Health Insurance Card). The UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) lets you get necessary state healthcare in the European Economic Area (EEA), and some other countries, on the same basis as a resident of that country. This may be free or it may require a payment equivalent to that which a local resident would pay. You can apply for one here: Get healthcare cover for travelling abroad - NHSBSA
If you require assistance while abroad, call the GlobeCover Helpline (24 hour service) in the first instance on +44 (0) 1273 401 950 .
In the event of an insured person incurring costs as a result of an incident which is covered by insurance, a claim form should be requested from the Insurance Section.
The claim form should be completed and returned to the Insurance section as quickly as possible. All relevant receipts and other documents should be attached to the claim form.
You should give a contact address - preferably an email address - so you can be contacted in case of queries.
The claim will be submitted to the University's insurance brokers, who will deal with the insurance company.
You will be advised of the outcome of the claim and reimbursement of any personal costs paid by the Insurers will be made.
Sub-section |
Benefit Amount (Applicable to each insured person unless otherwise stated) |
1. Medical and Other Expenses |
Medical Expenses:
Cover does not apply to journeys within the United Kingdom or Country of Domicile)
Unlimited |
Travel and Accommodation Expenses:
(Including funeral expenses or Country of Domicile but subject to an inner limit of GBP 10,000)
Unlimited |
Emergency Repatriation Expenses
Unlimited |
On-going medical treatment as an In-Patient in the United Kingdom or Country of Domicile.
GBP 50,000 |
Search and Rescue Expenses
GBP 30,000 |
2. Personal Belongings |
Where the value of any one article, pair or set exceeds GBP 2,000, the Policy holder shall be liable for 25% such excess amount.)
GBP 10,000 |
Personal Belonging Delay
GBP 2,000 |
Loss, Theft or Delay of Keys
GBP 1,000 |
3. Business Equipment |
a) Electronic Business equipment
b) Other Business equipment
GBP 2,000
GBP 1,500
4. Money |
Where the amount of cash exceed GBP 2,000, the Policyholder shall be liable for 25% of such excess amount
GBP 5,000 |
Financial Card and Cheque Misuse
GBP 5,000 |
Emergency replacement Passport, Visa, Travel document or Driving licence
GBP 2,000 |
5. Disruption |
a) Cancellation/Curtailment/Alteration/Rearrangement/ Replacement Expenses not as a result of a Natural Catastrophe:
Aggregate limit (per journey and for all insured person travelling together on any one journey)
GBP 250,000 |
(5a) Travel Delay:
After 4 hours, for each hour thereafter:
Maximum payable in any one journey:
GBP 75
GBP 1,000
b) Cancellation/Curtailment/Alteration/Rearrangement/ Replacement Expenses as a result of a Natural Catastrophe:
Aggregate Limit (per Journey and for all Insured Persons travelling together on any one Journey)
GBP 250,000 |
Travel Delay: as for 5a
6. Personal Liability |
Personal liability
GBP 5,000,000 |
7. Rental Vehicle Excess |
Rental Vehicle Excess payable following loss by theft, collision or damage
a) per Insured event/loss
b) per Journey
c) Aggregate Limit (in any one period of Insurance)
GBP 1,000
GBP 2,500
GBP 25,000
8. Political and Natural Disaster Evacuation |
a) Evacuation Expenses
GBP 50,000 |
b) Where evacuation is not possible - a daily benefit for accommodation expenses for up to a maximum of 30 days |
GBP 150 |
Aggregate limit (per insured event and in any one period of insurance) |
GBP 50,000 |
The University has in place medical expenses, personal accident and liability insurance cover for students and staff on overseas trips. Routine overseas field trips are included within the cover, but trips / expeditions that are out of the ordinary must be notified to the Insurer in advance of the trip in order to obtain Insurer approval.
There is not a specific policy definition as to what constitutes 'out of the ordinary' but as there is a duty of disclosure on the part of the Insured, the location, purpose and nature of the trip should be advised to the insurance section, who can seek advice from the Insurer.
Points to note about the existing cover are:
- Medical and Emergency Travel Expenses are covered, but only if an insured person is injured or becomes ill during the period of the trip.
- Rescue Expenses are covered, but only if an insured person is injured or becomes ill during the period of the trip. There is no cover for rescue without an insured person being injured or becoming ill - eg search and rescue expenses are not covered.
The University's insurers are unable to provide specific Search & Rescue cover, but further information can be obtained via the British Mountaineering Council if appropriate to the trip.
- The University's public liability policy provides legal liability cover for third party injury or damage arising out of authorised University activities. There is no cover for a financial loss by a third party arising out of a University organised trip.
Cover under the University's travel insurances is available only to staff and students of the University participating in trips/expeditions which have been
- authorised by the University
- in connection with the business of the University
Please note that these conditions will not necessarily be met by the University providing funds in support of a trip/expedition.
Staff travelling overseas should make sure they have completed the Field Trip and Travel Risk Assessment: Field Trip and Travel Risk Assessment
Step 1: Identify the hazards |
- Take a common-sense approach to identify potential hazards by using your knowledge and experience.
- Ask your other people what they think. They may have thought about things that are not immediately obvious to you.
- Make use of information from reliable sources - the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website provides advice on overseas travel, including risks and restrictions.The University's Occupation Health Services and Key Travel can provide similar assistance. There is also a wealth of information available on insurers' GlobeCover website.
- Check manufacturers' instructions or data sheets for chemicals and equipment as they can be helpful in spelling out the hazards and putting them in their true perspective.
- Remember to think about long-term hazards to health (e.g. extreme cold/heat or exposure to viruses and insect or animal bites) as well as physical safety hazards.
Step 2: Decide who and how they might be harmed and how |
- For each hazard be clear about who might be harmed and how - it will help you identify the best way of managing risk. That doesn't mean listing everyone by name, but identifying groups of people by activity or job type.
- Remember that some people may have particular requirements, e.g. new and young workers, migrant workers, locally hired staff, new or expectant mothers and people with disabilities. Extra thought will be needed for some hazards that are unusual and may only be very occasional e.g. a particular type of insect, plant or virus.
- In each case, think through how they might be harmed, i.e. what type of injury or ill health might occur? For example, some may suffer back injury from repeated lifting of equipment across unfamiliar terrain.
Step 3: Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions |
- Having identified the hazards, decide what to do about them. The law requires you to do everything 'reasonably practicable' to protect people from harm. The best way to do this is to compare what you are doing with good practice.
- Look at what you're already doing and think about what controls you have in place and how it is organised.Compare this with good practice and consider what more you can do. Ask yourself:
- Can I get rid of the hazard altogether?
- If not, how can I control the risks so that harm is unlikely?
- When controlling risks, apply these principles:
- Try a less risky option (e.g. switch to using a less hazardous chemical)
- Prevent access to the hazard (eg by guarding)
- Organise work to reduce exposure to the hazard (e.g. put barriers between pedestrians and traffic)
- Issue personal protective equipment (e.g. clothing, footwear, goggles etc)
- Provide welfare facilities (e.g. first aid and washing facilities for removal of contamination)
- Improving health and safety need not cost a lot. For instance, placing a mirror on a dangerous blind corner to help prevent vehicle accidents is a low-cost precaution considering the risks. Failure to take simple precautions can cost you a lot more if an accident happens.
Step 4: Record your findings and implement them |
- Putting the results of your risk assessment into practice will make a difference when looking after people.Writing down the results of your risk assessment, and sharing them, encourages you to do this.
- When writing down your results, keep it simple. For example 'tripping over rubbish - bins provided, staff instructed to carry out weekly housekeeping checks'.
- We do not expect a risk assessment to be perfect, but it must be suitable and sufficient. You need to be able to show that:
- A proper check was made; you asked who might be affected
- You dealt with all the obvious significant hazards, taking into account the number of people who could be involved
- The precautions are reasonable, and the remaining risk is low
- You involved your staff or their representatives in the process.
Step 5: Review your risk assessment and update if necessary |
- Things are likely to change between first conducting your risk assessment and your field trip/travel. It makes sense to review what you are doing on an ongoing basis.
- Look at your risk assessment and ask yourself if there have been any changes.Are there improvements you still need to make? Have other people spotted a problem? Have you learnt anything from accidents or near misses? Make sure your risk assessment stays up to date.
As part of the travel insurance policy, AIG Europe Ltd provide country guides, advice and guidance for destinations throughout the world, and a variety of other assistance services, through GlobeCover.
Once you have registered, watch the AIG Security Videos and gain certificate if not watched before
In addition to the insurance protection provided by a LifeLine Plus policy, our business travellers have access to a range of additional travel resources. Find out more ...
AIG Travel Assistance App
The mobile app puts a world of valuable information and assistance in the palm of your hand, 24/7. Benefits include:
- A quick-call help button connects you to the emergency medical and travel assistance
- Claims information and contact details
- Country reports and travel security advice
Insurers Will not be Liable for any Claim
- Where the insured person is travelling against the advice of a Qualified Medical Practitioner
- Where the purpose of the Journey is to receive medical treatment or advice
- Any expenses which are recovered from any national Insurance programme which is applicable to the Insured Person
- Any expenses incurred after 12 months from:
- return to the United Kingdom or Country of Domicile in respect of expenses of on-going medical treatment as an In-Patient; or
- the time of the incurring or first expense inh respect of other expenses