
In this section

This page provides information on University insurance policies. For help of information please contact

Please download the AIG travel app here and ensure you check the app for up to date guidelines for the country you are travelling to.

If you wish to make a claim please email and include "Claim Form" in the subject heading.

If your'e having a medical emergency please contact AIG, you'll find their contact details on your cover note, see also Travel claim procedure below.

All Vehicles hired on University Business should be registered with the insurance team using the following form, please click on the link below to complete the vehicle details.

Vehicle details form


Staff travelling overseas should make sure that they understand and comply with the requirements of the Policy on Overseas Travel and latest business travel advice for staff and PGR students .

The University's travel policy only covers incidental personal activities, for example sight seeing that takes place during the duration of the main business purpose of the trip. Additional days spent at a location, primarily to ensure best value for travel costs are allowable (with prior authorisation by the relevant School/Section), however, any additional days requested by the person travelling are not covered by the University policy.

If any vacation period is taken in conjunction with a University business trip the University's insurance cover will only come in to effect at the start of the University business and will end when the business concludes. Additional insurance will be required for all non-University travel. Personal Insurance policies cannot be used as an alternative for University Business.

If you require a Schengen VISA please tick yes in the box on the application form, if you do not require a Schengen VISA please tick No. if you are unsure if you require a Schengen VISA please click here

If you require proof of insurance please click complete the Travel Insurance application form and your proof of insurance letter will be sent to you by email.

Please note that that all emails will be dealt with as soon as possible, please allow 5 working days for your query to be dealt with.


The University has in place employers' and public liability insurance.

The public liability policy covers the University's legal liability for injury or damage to third parties or third party property. This includes:

  • Visitors to the University
  • Students and staff engaged on field-work outwith the University, including overseas, but refer to the travel section for further guidance

The University's liability insurance extends to cover work placements within the University.

For student work placements outwith the University, the placement provider will be required to have in place adequate employers' and public liability insurance prior to the commencement of a work placement.


Anyone driving a vehicle on University business must complete a Driver Declaration Form.

The driver declaration is for driving vehicles on University business in the UK only, if you wish to drive a vehicle on University business outside of the UK please email

Please ensure you re-apply every 12 months, failure to do so will invalidate your cover for driving University owned or hired vehicles. Please also ensure you set your own reminder as the system does not send out reminders each year.

Our insurers require vehicle details for all hires, failure to provide the details means the vehicles be uninsured and ERS will not cover the costs of the repairs. Details of requirements are provided below under scope of cover.

Please take photographs of all sides of the hire vehicle before you first use it and upload them into the vehicle registration form.  Once you have finished with the hire email the after photos to please include the drivers name and the registration of the vehicle.

University drivers are responsible for: Paying any fines or charges imposed by relevant Enforcement Authorities in respect for offences committed whilst they were driving/responsible for a University vehicle (e.g. speeding fines/parking fines/fines imposed in respect of other Highway Code offences)

Please note that applications may take up to 5 workings days to process, this may take longer during busy periods and holidays.