The leaver form is held in the My Forms section of MyHR. Welcome - MyHR ( Guidance for leavers and authorisers on using the form is available here:
My Forms User Guide Further info on MyHR is available here:
MyHR | StaffNet | The University of Aberdeen ( |
If you wish to include a resignation letter with your leaver form you can include reason for leaving and any other relevant information for discussion with your Line Manager. Details of any outstanding annual leave are included on the leavers form and will be confirmed as part of the approval process. |
Your notice period is dependent on your grade. Standard notice periods are as follows, however they may be negotiable with your Line Manager.
Grades 1 - 4 (Secretarial, Manual, Technical): 1 month
Grades 5 - 8 (Research, Teaching, Academic, Academic Related): 3 months
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer: 6 months
Professorial and Grade 9: 6 months
Once you have calculated how many annual leave days you have remaining (see Holidays page for information), a discussion should take place with your Line Manager to confirm if you will use these days before you leave or if you will receive payment for these days in lieu. These details can be confirmed on the authorised Leaver Form. |
Once your Leavers form has been fully approved, you will normally receive an acknowledgement letter from Human Resources within two working days. The letter will be sent to your University email address along with information regarding your pension and a link to the exit survey. |
Unless Honorary Status is requested and approved, access to your staff IT account will not be granted. Your user/email account will be closed on your last day of service and you will not be given access to business related data, documents and emails when you cease employment. Please ensure to transfer all important data to your line manager and return all University property (including ID card, laptop, mobile phone etc) prior to your employment ceasing. |