Space Change Procedure

In this section
Space Change Procedure
Local Space Management Contacts

We recognise the importance of clear and transparent communication on space allocation and management issues. Any issues regarding local space allocation matters should be addressed to the nominated individual within each School/Directorate in the first instance.

Individuals undertaking the role of local space management contact will liaise with the Space Manager and the Head of School/Director as appropriate to support the ongoing provision of safe, effective and efficient space management activities within their area of responsibility.

School Name
Biological Sciences Mel McCann / Martin Cowie
Business School Kate Smith
DHP Kate Smith
Education Sharon Palla / Lorna Thomson
Engineering Joyce Clark
Geosciences Ann Simpson
Law Claire Fletcher
LLMVC Jon Cameron
NCS Julie Timms
Psychology Rhona Moore
SMMSN Sarah Duncan
Social Sciences Pam Thomson
DIT Lynne Kirkton
Estates & Facilities Christina Cameron
External Affairs Jackie Willox
Finance Anita Williams
People Sarah Fyfe
Planning Marina Glennie

Space Notification Form

To support the delivery of Guiding Principle 3 (The Fair and Transparent Monitoring of Space Usage), a Space Notification Form should be completed for all changes to space usage that do not require any remedial work to be carried out e.g. where the number of people using the offices remains the same but the names of occupants are changing. This will enable the Space Occupancy Record to be kept up-to-date.

Space Change Form

To support the delivery of Guiding Principle 4 (The Fair and Transparent Communication and Implementation of Changes to Space Usage), a Space Change Form should be completed for all more significant changes in space usage, for example:

  • requests to re-model a space e.g. with new partitions or doorways;
  • requests for new rooms to accommodate e.g. a growth in staff or student numbers;
  • requests to relinquish space that is no longer required;
  • requests to increase/decrease the number of occupants in a room.

Applications will be considered in the first instance by a Space Management Panel, comprising:

  • Senior Vice-Principal (or her/his nominated alternate)
  • University Secretary & Chief Operating Officer
  • Space Manager
  • Representative from IT Services
  • Representative from Estates & Facilities
  • 2 x Deans

Approval will not be unreasonably withheld, but where an application is rejected, appropriate feedback will be provided.

Where proposals can be routinely approved, the Panel will communicate that to the applicant via email, normally within 3 working days of the request having been received by the Space Manager. Where the Panel considers that a proposal requires further scrutiny, for example where the proposal is more complex, extensive or impacts on other functions (including centrally timetabled space), further clarification will be sought and consultation carried out prior to the Panel reaching a decision. Such consultation will normally include, as a minimum, colleagues from IT Services and Central Timetabling.

Proposals which are of a significant scale, have a significant impact on other functions and/or throw up wider strategic questions will be referred to the full Space Management Group for consideration.

A limited number of requests may be beyond the scope of these procedures and may require special or additional authorisation or be pursued through parallel processes. In such circumstances, the proposal will be considered by the full Space Management Group and where necessary, referred to the Estates Committee and/or the Senior Management Team. Examples of proposals which may be considered in this way include :

  • Proposals involving a strategic change in the activity undertaken by the School or Directorate e.g. introducing a new discipline or major expansion of function;
  • Proposals where considerable capital expenditure may be required.

A list of all Space Change Forms received, and their outcomes, will be presented quarterly to the Space Management Group.