Guidance for School EDI Leads and Race Equality Champions

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Guidance for School EDI Leads and Race Equality Champions

This webpage has been created to support School EDI Leads and Race Equality Champions in their roles.

How to deal with a disclosure of a race incident: University recommended steps

How to deal with a disclosure of a race incident: University recommended steps

Aberdeen 2040 and the University's Commitment to Antiracism

As University, we are fully committed to equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and we strive to create an inclusive environment for work and study which celebrates the diversity of our staff and students. 'Inclusive', with its five commitments, is one of the four strands of our ambitious and transformative twenty-year strategic plan, Aberdeen 2040, which positions this area at the centre of what we do.

The University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) plays a crucial role in the implementation of Aberdeen 2040 and has established a network of EDI roles across the Institution to provide channels for support and communication. Our twelve academic Schools now have their own EDICs and EDI Leads have been appointed to open discussion and opportunities for understanding School-level issues.

One of our key priorities, as identified through consultation with staff and students, is to address racial inequalities and become an antiracist University by creating environments where individuals and communities thrive, irrespective of race or ethnicity. To support our vision, we developed the University Antiracism Strategy and have been implementing this through the Race Equality Strategy Group introducing initiatives such as appointing Race Equality Champions, establishing the Race Equality Network for Staff and PGR students, which provides its members with a safe space to discuss race issues and share experiences of race, delivering training and working with partners from across the North east of Scotland and at a national level.

Your role as School EDI Lead

As a School EDI Lead, you are a point of contact for staff and students for EDI-related matters in your School. Your role involves supporting the Inclusive strand of the University's Strategy, Aberdeen 2040, and playing an important role in developing, monitoring, and reviewing the implementation of institutional equality, diversity and inclusion-related policies and initiatives within your School.

Main activities of your role include:

  • act as point of contact for staff and students on EDI matters in your School
  • signpost staff and students to appropriate internal or external information
  • work closely with the Head of School and School Executive to co-ordinate the development and/or implementation of EDI initiatives
  • work with other equality groups, such as Race Equality Champions, to deliver the School's EDI ambitions
  • provide motivational leadership and guidance for School staff and students to ensure the promotion, development and implementation of best practice in relation to EDI matters
  • lead and contribute to relevant awareness-raising activities
  • ensure EDI-related information is effectively disseminated to staff and students within your School
  • convene the School Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee as well as ad hoc working/task and finish groups relating to EDI
  • represent (and/or nominate and support deputies to represent) the School on institutional, School-level and external committees as appropriate, ensuring a transparent, effective and timely two-way flow of information between the committee/working group and (i) the Head of School, (ii) School Executive, (iii) members of staff/students and (iv) other School-/institutional-level committees as appropriate
  • encourage open and transparent debate and discussion
  • oversee the implementation of relevant action plans, including those associated with accreditation processes such as Athena Swan and the Race Equality Charter.

Quarterly meetings are organised by the central EDI Team for the School EDI Leads to meet, discuss the challenges and issues in your area, share good practice and hear what initiatives other Schools or Directorates have put in pace to advance equality, diversity and inclusion in their own area and beyond. A list of initiatives that have been shared by the Leads at the meetings can be found in the minutes. There is also a Microsoft Teams site for School EDI Leads which allows you to liaise out with the quarterly meetings. EDI Leads report to their School Executive which in turn reports to the University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC). EDIC reports to the Senior Management Team (SMT).

Your role as Race Equality Champion

As a Race Equality Champion, you are a point of contact for staff and students for advice, guidance, sharing of ideas, awareness raising or just for a listening ear. Your role involves supporting the University's Antiracism Strategy through empowering the University of Aberdeen community to create an anti-racist culture where all staff and students feel that they belong in the University.

Main activities of your role include:

  • build expertise on race equality and anti-racism
  • proactively raise awareness of anti-racist and race equality developments, information and initiatives within your School or Directorate
  • liaise with your Head of School/Director and other managers about the implementation of good practice in race equality
  • participate in School committees on equality, diversity and inclusion
  • inspire fellow Race Equality Champions by sharing challenges, experiences, and initiatives.
  • interact with Race Equality Network for staff and PGR students and the Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Students Forum where appropriate
  • on a rotational basis with other Race Equality Champions, attend Race Equality Strategy Group (RESG) meetings to elevate the work of the Champions and feed in key discussions
  • have an understanding of support services, processes and structures within the University
  • act as a point of contact for staff and students in your School or Directorate
  • signpost staff and students to appropriate internal or external sources of support
  • maintain confidentiality unless in exceptional circumstances and/or where a breach of confidentiality is agreed.

Quarterly meetings are organised by the central EDI Team for the Race Equality Champions to meet, discuss the challenges and issues in your area, share good practice and hear what initiatives other Schools or Directorates have put in pace to advance equality, diversity and inclusion in their own area and beyond. A list of initiatives that have been shared by the Champions at the meetings can be found in the minutes. There is also a Microsoft Teams site for Champions which allows you to liaise out with the quarterly meetings. Race Equality Champions report to the University Race Equality Strategy Group which in turn reports to the University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC). EDIC reports to the Senior Management Team (SMT).

Development Opportunities

There are courses (either online or in person/hybrid) that may support you in your role. These can be found on the Course Booking webpage or the Skill Boosters eLearning Courses webpage.

Race-related incident reporting

In your role as School EDI Lead or Race Equality Champion, you are also a point of contact for staff, students or trade union representatives who may wish to discuss or report a race incident that they (or someone else) have experienced or witnessed. This may be a recent incident, or it may have occurred in the past. You may not recognise a disclosure at first as the affected person may not use specific terms to describe the issue (e.g., harassment, racism, discrimination, victimisation). However, it is important that you listen and enable them to describe their experience in their own words. To give the person confidence to discuss the issue with you, it will be important that you:

  1. take the complaint seriously
  2. handle the complaint sensitively
  3. become familiar with relevant terms and definitions
  4. follow confidently and consistently the University recommended steps
  5. become familiar with the following:
Legal Background

You can find out about the legal background on the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Governance and Policy webpage

Race Terminology

You can find information on race terminology on the Race Equality Resources webpage


School EDI Leads and Race Equality Champions have an important role in the University in relation to the commitments in the Antiracism Strategy. This guide has been developed to support School EDI Leads and Race Equality Champions in their role, particularly when handling a disclosure of a racist incident. It provides handy tips and a list of support mechanisms which can be used for signposting.

School EDI Leads and Race Equality Champions are not required to resolve race incidents in isolation and support for you in your roles can be gained from the EDI Team or a HR Partner or the Student Advice & Support Office. Please do contact the relevant colleagues for advice and support if you are unsure about how to handle an issue.

This guidance will be supported by training and ongoing review to ensure it is relevant and helpful to School EDI Leads and Race Equality Champions.

Note: This guidance was developed by using information provided by ACAS . Some of the Race definitions were taken from Advance HE Race Literacy Glossary .

For further information please contact the EDI team

December 2023