
In this section

Here you can find a list of anti-racism and support groups within the University, and external networks supporting Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students and staff in Scotland and across the UK.

Race Equality Strategy Group


The Race Equality Strategy Group is responsible for driving change on race equality through the development of strategy and operational actions. It acts as the “Race Equality Charter Self-assessment Team” for the Bronze application, RESG is also providing a framework for the work on decolonising the curriculum, creating sustainable actions to develop an anti-racist culture, and respond to the needs of minority ethnic people.

The group is convened by Siladatiya Bhattacharya (Professor, Chair in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Vice-Principal Global Engagement).

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Race Definitions Task and Finish Group

The University established a Race Definitions Task and Finish Group to establish a set of definitions related to our antiracism work and to progress discussions related to agreeing a definition of antisemitism. The papers below show the progress of the work undertaken.

Race Equality Network for staff and PGRs

As a part of our commitment to create an inclusive environment for all our employees, we have established a new 'Race Equality Network' for staff and Postgraduate Research (PGR) Students. The Network is co-convened by Vimal Subramanian (Lead International Governance Officer, Professional Services) and and Ritu Vij (Senior Lecturer, Politics and International Relations). The network aims to provide an informal social space to share experiences in a confidential and supported environment, and to promote and contribute to the advancement of race equality in our institution.

Membership of the network is open to all members of staff and Postgraduate Research (PGR) students interested in celebrating and promoting progress and good practice in race equality matters.

There is a dedicated Race Equality Network (Staff) Teams Site to share ideas and resources, learn together and to meet with each other. We have also created an 'Anti-Racism Allies Room' (Teams Channel) to share readings and reflections and to flag events related to building anti-racist infrastructures that may be of interest to members of the University community. You can request access to join this here.

If you are interested in the theme of Race or simply wish to be informed on progress, get in touch.

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Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Students' Forum

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Students Forum aims to represent students that identify under the "BAME" umbrella, and counter prejudice and discrimination against minority ethnic students, while promoting and engaging in radical thinking about race.

The BAME umbrella encompasses individuals of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Afro-Caribbean, Latin American and Romani descent, as well as Indigenous populations of the Americas, Australia and the South Pacific.

The Forum is an intersectional safe space for minority ethnic students and does not tolerate discrimination on the basis of religion, sexuality, gender expression and/or able-bodiedness disability.

Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter or on our Aberdeen University Students' Association Forum page.

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The Race and Racism Group

The Race & Racism Group is a member-led, interdisciplinary reading and research group, dedicated to engaging with theoretical and real-world experiences of race, racism and anti-racism.

RRG aims to promote critical thinking around race and racism in the social sciences, exercise race-sensitive research practice at the university, and to host events with the aim of furthering the understanding and knowledge of race and racism.

All members of the University of Aberdeen community, both staff and students, are more than welcome to join.

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee is responsible for the strategic direction of all Equality, Diversity and Inclusion activities supporting the Aberdeen 2040 strategy. The Committee will champion equality, diversity and inclusion for staff and students and will promote an Inclusive culture.

To learn more on the responsibilities, membership, agenda, and minutes click here.

View the University's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.