We offer a range of Leadership and Management Programmes to suit those at different stages in their careers. From open courses to our accredted programmes we are here to help support you through your leadership and management journey.
Management Modules* for Professional Services and Academic Line Managers
*Not everyone has a job title which includes the word Manager/Team Leader/Supervisor etc.. in their Professional Services or Academic role but do have tasks that involve dealing with staff in an individual, group or team setting. The Management Modules welcome participation from anyone who feels that the subject matter and objectives are relevant to their role.
The first Inclusive commitment of Aberdeen 2040 is to “care for the wellbeing, health and safety of our diverse community, supporting and developing our people to achieve their full potential”.
One the ways in which we aim to achieve this objective is to provide our Academic and Professional Services colleagues with the skills and knowledge to feel confident and empowered to support their staff, through the duration of their employment. The interactive sessions of the Management Modules* will also provide a great opportunity to network and share practice with colleagues from across the Directorates and Schools.
Colleagues from key areas across the University have contributed to the delivery providing you with their expertise to support you in the 'operational' aspects of your role. The modular approach is designed so that you can choose which sessions you would like to attend to enhance your knowledge and skills in that particular area depending on your allocated tasks. However, a discussion with your line manager is recommended to help identify development needs and planning around attendance.
All modules will be delivered maily online with some sessions face to face.
As with all our traning sessions, we would be really grateful if you have booked to attend a module that you are able to commit to joining on the day (extenuating circumstances being an exception) .The facilitator reserves the right to cancel the session if the attendance falls below 10 people the day before the session or on the day.
Reminder e-mails will be sent two weeks prior to the module date. The Teams link can be found in the course information on course bookings and it is recommended that you add the event to your calendar and copy and paste the Teams link so oyu can easiy access this on the day of the session. You can also retreive the Teams link in your course booking confirmation on the day.
Please click here for all the dates and modules. If you require any training that isn't currently included in the modules please contact Clare Trembleau to discuss.
In addition to the Management Modules, we also offer a wide range of e-learning to further support you in your role, from professional skills to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. These can be accessed at at time that suits your schedule.
If you require any further information, please contact clare.trembleau@abdn.ac.uk