The Student Record Team is responsible for
- Exam results
- ID card enquiries
- Replacement degree certificates
- Reports
- Setting up records for visiting students
- Statutory external returns eg HESA, KIS, SFC
- Transcripts
- Third party requests for student award verifications
- Maintenance and development of the Student Record System
Contact Information:
- Email:
- Tel: +44 (0) 1224 273580
- ID Cards enquiries
Information on student ID cards can be found on the Infohub site including
- Information for new students
- Replacement cards
- Lost cards
- Faulty cards
- Stolen cards
- Visiting Students
Visiting students invited by Schools for periods of a few weeks to 1 year must be processed via Registry (rather than Human Resources) as honorary visitors.
Visiting student status is open only to those students who wish to use University facilities but who are ineligible to be included on this University's Return to HESA, because either:
- They are not receiving teaching or supervision with the intention of being assessed for formal award of credit which counts towards award of a qualification or
- While receiving such teaching or supervision, they are concurrently registered at another UK HEI. They do not get reported to HESA, and neither the institution nor the Colleges receive funding beyond any fee they may negotiate independently.
Registry levies a Special Registration Fee to cover administration and ID card costs. Read the Visiting Student Guidance Notes before applying via the form below.
Visiting Student Application Form
This form is for students only - visiting staff should contact the Human Resources Office.
- Statutory Returns
The Student Record Team is responsible for a number of statutory returns, including
- The annual Higher Education Statistical Agency (HESA) Student Return
- The annual HESA Aggregate Offshore Return
- The HESA Key Information Sets Return
The Team also supports a number of other returns, including
- HESA Destination of Leavers of Higher Education (DLHE)
- National Student Survey and Scottish Funding Council (SFC) Early Statistics and Final Figures
- Reports
The Student Record System provides a number of reports. These can be accessed in the Reports/Departmental Reports menu option of the Student Records System. These include
- Class lists
- Programme lists
- Individual statistical reports of registered students
- Admissions
- Awards
In addition, to reports directly from the Student Record, there are scheduled reports in ePortfolio for:
- New registrations
- Monitoring Online Registration
Institutional Academic Profile
Statistical information relating to pass rates, retention, applications and awards is available from the following reports.
- Applications for Admission by Discipline - last 4 entry years
- Completed Awards - last 4 calendar years
- Course Pass Rates - 5 year by Grade
- DLHE14- Destination of Leavers from Higher Education
- Entry Qualifications - last 4 academic years
- Retention - 4 most recently completed years
- Tariff Scores - last 4 academic years
The Discoverer reporting tool can be used to give information about Student Loads, Progression, Retention and Withdrawal.
The Research Information System Pure contains information relating to research students.
If you require a report not outlined above, these can be requested from the Student Record Team via email at . Reports can be provided from information held on the Student Record System.
Please give as much detail as possible and allow ten working days for reports to be processed.
For access to Discoverer and ePortfolio please refer to IT Services .