Dr Chloe Alexander

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Dr Chloe Alexander
Dr Chloe Alexander
Dr Chloe Alexander

MA, MLitt, PhD, PGCert, FHEA

Academic Skills Adviser

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 273190
Academic Services & Online Education


Chloe joined the Student Learning Service as an Academic Writing Adviser in 2014. She also received her PhD in History (on Scottish and Irish labour history) from the University in the same year. Chloe completed a Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, Learning and Teaching (2016) and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 

In addition to her post in the Student Learning Service, Chloe continues to pursue her doctoral research on Scottish and Irish History. Her thesis focused on the activities and political writings of the Scottish-born, Irish labour leader James Connolly and the Scottish and Irish Labour movements (1880-1916). She has contributed to: ‘We Will Rise Again’: Scotland and the Easter Rising (Bell and Bain, 2018), John Maclean: The Speech from the Dock (Scottish Labour History, 2018) and has been published in Saothar: Journal of Irish Labour History, the Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies and the Journal of Scottish Labour History.


Research Overview

Dr Alexander continues to pursue her doctoral research on Scottish and Irish History. Her thesis focused on the activities and political writings of the Scottish-born, Irish labour leader James Connolly and the Scottish and Irish Labour movements (1880-1916). 

 Chapters in Books:

  • ‘Scottish Responses to the 1913 Lock-out and the 1916 Easter Rising’ in S. Coyle and M. Ó Catháin (eds.), ‘We Will Rise Again’: Scotland and the Easter Rising (Bell and Bain: Glasgow, 2018)
  • ‘The Glasgow Highlander and the Edinburgh Irishman: John Maclean, James Connolly and Ireland’ in E. Gibbs and R. Scothorne (eds.), John Maclean: The Speech from the Dock (Scottish Labour History Publication: Glasgow, 2018)

Journal Articles:

  • ‘Scottish Responses to the 1913 Lockout and the 1916 Easter Rising’, Saothar: Journal of Irish Labour History, Vol. 41 (2016): pp.269-277.
  • (Issue Editor) ‘The ‘Strike’ in Scottish and Irish Labour History’, Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies, Vol. 8 (2015) [a special issue dedicated to the outcomes of a conference held in 2013 which was organised and co-ordinated by myself in conjunction with the Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies].
  • ‘James Connolly: The Emergence of a Socialist, Edinburgh (1868-1896)’, Journal of Scottish Labour History, Vol. 49 (2014): pp.74-85.