
In this section

Welcome to "Celebrating Diversity" with Professor Abbe Brown, Dean for Student Support along with Cheryl Dowie and Mark Whittington from the Business School, Amudha Poobalan from the School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition, Julie Ross from the Centre for Academic Development, Ondrej Kucerak, AUSA's Vice-President for Education and Honours student Alexandra Vodentzis.

We are excited to provide this platform for University of Aberdeen staff and students to share their experiences, practices and thoughts on how we can all move forward to delivering teaching and learning which embraces diversity and all that this can offer.

Our focus is on constructive conversation. Disagreement is likely as we share our different perspectives and indeed it is encouraged - we look forward to respectful dialogue and problem solving to help us all.

If you have any questions, please contact the Centre for Academic Development