Learning & Teaching Network

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Learning & Teaching Network

Learning & Teaching Network

The Learning & Teaching Network enables discussions, collaboration and professional development opportunities around current issues in teaching, learning and assessment. Established as the Teaching Fellows' Network in February 2011, the rebranded network will build upon the success of the original initiative, broadening its remit to include all academic and academic-related staff.

The Network meets on the first Wednesday of each month. All staff are welcome to attend subject to their interest and availability.

Topics covered in the online sessions

Academic year 2023-24 included: Informality and formality in staff-student communications/ Transforming the Experience of Students Through Assessment (TESTA) at the University of Aberdeen/ The Artist as an Agent of Change: An International Collaborative Happenstance/ Imposter phenomenon and self-efficacy in higher education: Evidence from undergraduate physics

Academic year 2022-23 included: The case for multiple-choice and other automated assessments, Academic Integrity / Tools for Detecting Cheating and Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI): Is the Genie Out of the Bottle? / Online Escape Rooms as Assessment of Learning and for Learning / Decolonising Teaching & Learning: Getting Started / Implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in your classroom.

Academic year 2021-22 included: A new course on happiness at the University of Aberdeen? / The route to a successful AdvanceHE CATE award: the TQFE/BAPD team journey / Co-creation in Learning and Teaching: A Discussion About Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement / Improving University Teaching (IUT) Conference / A Global Classroom? Sharing the Experience of Developing and Delivering a Virtual Exchange / Engaging Students with Authentic Assessment: A Practical Case Study.

Academic year 2020-21 included: Social Media and Digital Scholarship / Group/Team Work in a Blended Learning Context / Academic Integrity Through Robust Assessment Design / and Helping Our Students Connect and Focus Online.

To join the University's Learning & Teaching Network email list please contact: cad@abdn.ac.uk

Further information about the network is available from Dr Aaron Thom, Educational Development Adviser, Centre for Academic Development aaron.thom@abdn.ac.uk

Staff interested in delivering a presentation or workshop at one of the monthly meeting are encouraged to contact Aaron Thom.