Introduction to Learning and Teaching Course

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Introduction to Learning and Teaching Course

Introduction to Learning & Teaching in Higher Education at the University of Aberdeen

At the beginning of each term (normally September and January), staff from the Centre for Academic Development, and other colleagues from across the University, run the online course Learning and Teaching in Higher Education at the University of Aberdeen. This course comprises two 3-hour sessions over consecutive days and is specifically tailored for staff who are new to teaching at this University. The course is delivered online using MS Teams and consists of both participatory workshops and video recordings to watch in advance. Staff should ensure their availability to participate in the 'live sessions', which are scheduled in the morning of both days (9:30-12:30).

The course may also run in April subject to demand.

Topics covered include:

Aberdeen 2040 and the Principles for the Delivery of Education

Tools for Teaching in MyAberdeen

University Practicalities and Processes

Course and Programme Design

This course is compulsory for new probationary lecturing staff and is strongly recommended for Teaching Fellows. It is also useful for any staff member, new to Aberdeen who is involved in designing and delivering courses, or for those who may have been here for some time, but whose role might have changed to include a teaching component. The Centre collaborates with HR and your School Administrative Managers to obtain lists of new staff and therefore you should receive an email invitation to this course after you have started at the University. If you would like more details, please contact the Centre ( , ext. 3030).

Please note: that the online course takes into account a range of prior skills and experience, and is directed at staff new to teaching at Aberdeen, not necessarily those new to teaching itself.

For details of the next two-day course, please contact

New Probationary Lecturing Staff

All new probationary lecturing staff at the University of Aberdeen are required to participate in the two-day, online course outlined above.

Beyond this, the University encourages staff to pursue further professional teaching development activities. The Centre for Academic Development offers workshops and events, as do academic Schools & disciplines relating to learning and teaching. In addition, the Centre for Academic Development in collaboration with School of Education offers the Principles of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education course (PLTHE) for PGR tutors and early-career staff.

There is a Learning & Teaching Network, which was established in February 2011, to enable further discussions, collaboration and CPD opportunities for academic staff across the University.

New lecturers are also welcome to contact Dr Darren Comber, Senior Educational Development Adviser ( or ext. 3030) for a one-to-one focussed discussion on how they might continue their professional development in learning and teaching.

New PhD Demonstrators and Tutors

Academic Schools in collaboration with the Centre for Academic Development run introduction to teaching sessions for all new PhD demonstrators and tutors. The introductory online session covers small group teaching, equality & diversity and assessment & feedback. To help the transition to online delivery, the session also explores the tools available for remote teaching and learning.

All PhD students involved in teaching or marking complete this mandatory training. Training and support for teaching is part of the University Postgraduate Researcher CPD teaching framework.