The TESTA Experience: Streamlining your Assessments for Workload Efficiencies
Come and experience a simulation of the TESTA (Transforming the Experience of Students Through Assessment) process. Participate in a programme review reflecting on intended learning outcomes, formative and summative assessment practices and formulating effective feedback processes.
Facilitators Professor Kirsty Kiezebrink (Chair) (Dean for Educational Innovation) Dr Mary Pryor (Senior Academic Skills Adviser, Centre for Academic Development) Dr Chloe Alexander (Academic Skills Adviser, Centre for Academic Development) Tamzin Westhead (TESTA Student Assistant) Bethany Parrillo (TESTA Student Assistant)
Strictly Come Dragon: Creating an Assessment that Enhances Students' Employability
Come along to this Dragons' Den meets Strictly Come Dancing collaborative workshop, where you will work in groups to design an assessment that boosts students' employability and helps them stand out in a crowded graduate job market. The challenge is to design an impactful, inclusive and authentic assessment that prepares students for the world of work. The goal? To convince the judges to “invest” in your idea.
Host: Dr Darren Comber (Senior Educational Development Officer, Centre for Academic Development)
Judges Professor John Barrow (Dean for Employability and Entrepreneurship) Tracey Innes (Assistant Director and Head of Careers) Nassima Brown (Director of Strategy, Fennex) Rhiannon Ledwell (AUSA VP for Education)