Enhancement Projects Showcase

Enhancement Projects Showcase

This interactive session explored the exciting and innovative Enhancement Theme Projects with short presentations from the project teams followed by a Q&A session. The specific projects were funded as part of 1st year of the Theme 1 , and so have reached the final stages - this means the Teams can share their findings and outputs during the session providing an excellent opportunity to swap and share effective practice!

Panellists presenting

Chair: Professor Steve Tucker, Institutional Resilient Learning Communities Enhancement Theme Lead

  1. Tracey Innes, Head of Careers and Employability Service: Understanding, developing and demonstrating resilience in the context of employability
  2. Nir Oren, Matthew Collinson, Ben Martin, Murilo Da Silva Baptista School of Natural and Computing Sciences and Morgiane Richard, Centre for Academic Development: Investigating Solutions to Make Mathematical Teaching Content Accessible
  3. Jacqui Hutchison and Heather Branigan, School of Psychology: Exploring the Experiences of Articulation Students' Transition to University
  4. Amy Irwin, Ceri Trevethan, Heather Branigan, School of Psychology and Joy Perkins, Centre for Academic Development: Building student resilience through course development - moving from surviving to thriving
  5. Lyn Batchelor and Fiona Robson, Qatar Campus, University of Aberdeen: The Bridge Between: Arab voices and stories of coping

Watch the recording of the Enhancement Projects Showcase .

Panellists speaking