2021 Keynote

2021 Keynote

Leading Enhancement in challenging times: creating outcomes of value

Ruth Taylor photoProfessor Ruth Taylor, Vice-Principal (Education), University of Aberdeen

Deputy Theme Leader of QAA Scotland's new Enhancement Theme 'Resilient Learning Communities'

Clare PeddieProfessor Clare Peddie, Vice-Principal Education (Proctor), University of St Andrews

Theme Leader of QAA Scotland's new Enhancement Theme 'Resilient Learning Communities'

Watch the recording (60 mins) and view the presentations slides .

The context in which we are all working is hugely challenging, but has led to a great deal of innovation and creativity in the education and support of students in Higher Education. The ways in which we have worked in partnership with students, supported their learning experience, and enabled them to make connections in the context of blended learning, have exemplified that innovation and creativity in many areas. In addition, Scotland's HE sector has demonstrated real leadership, and our enhancement-led quality assurance is viewed positively in the global context.

Our presentation aims to provide an overview of the current QAA Scotland Enhancement Theme, Resilient Learning Communities, so that we create a sense of the purpose and vision for the theme from the perspective of us as theme leads. We will offer a sense of how we can work as a sector to take the theme forward both within cross-sector collaborations, and in our own institutions.

The presentation will begin by introducing the enhancement-led approach that Scotland has so successfully taken forward, and will then explain the theme itself and how the work of the themes will be evaluated. Following this, we will try to make this presentation 'real' for you and we will do that in two ways. Firstly, we will discuss the ways in which the University of Aberdeen is taking forward the theme and how our approach aligns with the wider aims of the Enhancement Theme. Secondly, we will ask you to tell us what the theme means to you, and how we can ensure that the theme's work offers practically useful outputs. We have an ambition to ensure that the work of this theme leads to useful and valuable outputs that you can use in your everyday practice as you strive to enhance the experience of students in your settings. You can help us to do that.